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Drugs In Impotence

Many impotence drugs (or technically, drugs for erectile dysfunction) have been developed since Viagra hit the market in 1998. There are prescription medicines and even over the counter gels and 'natural' remedies.

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Best Way to treat Impotence

What according to you is the best way to treat Impotence? Is it better to go in for purchase of pills from a site

or consider something else.something else.

Well I feel the best way to treat impotence is by making your lifestyle healthier. Taking a nutritious diet with good exercise is a good way to cure or avoid impotency.

Posted on : Wednesday, December 30, 2009 12:08 AM
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There are many ways to treat impotence on of the way is medication as well as exercise.
Replied on Tuesday, January 19, 2010 4:14 AM
Impotency itself is nothing but generally it is due to some important but temporary factors. If it is contineous then one has to find out the proper cause of it.
Male impotency and Female impotency both are seen there in the world, generally those all could be cured by an expert's opinion. It is best treated in the guidelines of Ayurveda.
I have treated so many cases of Impotency of both type (i.e. male & female) in my clinic.
I am giving proper consultations as well as providing medicines too only by online consultation.

If anyone wants to consult me he or she may contact me through my mail.
Thank You.
Dr. Pramod Kumar
Replied on Wednesday, June 2, 2010 7:13 AM
In my opinion impotency can be cured only with medicines, I have ED problems and I tried a lot of herbal remedies and different exercises, but none of them helped. Only Kamagra pills could really help me. Kamagra is a type of Viagra and that works and is best for impotency.
Replied on Monday, June 7, 2010 8:30 AM
Yeah the medications like generic Viagra, Kamagra are the best medicines available in market to combat the problem of erectile dysfunction in men.
Replied on Tuesday, June 8, 2010 5:59 AM
Have you ever tried Kamagra gelly?
I'm loofing for a good site to order kamagra gelly from, do u know any?
Replied on Monday, June 14, 2010 7:46 AM
I use it for a while already and it is much stronger than sildenafil pill..
SUPMEDS is highly recommended. I thought every generic pharma is a scam but they re not. Their prices are most discounting. Kamagra Jelly starts from 1,45$ per pack
Replied on Tuesday, December 13, 2011 6:42 AM
According to I will go with pill like viagra, kamagra, zenegra, caverta and many more.
Replied on Thursday, June 30, 2011 4:01 AM

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