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Diabetes - Essentials

Diabetes 'essentials' refer to the comprehensive health check-up and treatment paraphernalia a diabetic person can use by himself in order to maintain health and lead an active life. Diabetes essentials include blood glucose meters, insulin injections, ketone strips, correct footwear, healthy snacks and log books.

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Diabetic foot

Diabetics should Care for their feet more than their face. The best prosthetics available cannot match the functionality of a natural foot

Posted on : Saturday, February 6, 2010 2:27 PM
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It seems difficult for us to keep our feet clean is very difficult especially in India for ladies who do not traditionally do not wear shoes but wear open chappals, with their saris. It is very difficult for us to keep our feet clean especially during the monsoons, when the state of our roads in cities is terrible! The 'water' that flows on them contains spit and other human and non-human excreta. Yet, most ladies usually continue to wear their thin chappals.
Replied on Saturday, February 6, 2010 7:55 PM
Some simple tips of foot care can still be followed in this case.
1. Inspect your feet everyday (if difficult, use a mirror),
2. Report: hard skin, corns, breaks in the skin, infection, colour changes, ulcers,
3. Keep feet clean & dry. As soon as you reach home wash & dry your feet. In winter, if your skin is very dry, use neutral creams, If humid, use powder,
4. Wear soft, comfortable & well fittung shoes,
5. File your nails instead of cutting,
6. Avoid washing your feet with hot water,
7. Never walk bare foor,
8. Never do bathroom surgeries for corns/ calluses,
9. See you doctor regularly.
Replied on Monday, July 12, 2010 7:01 AM

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