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Diabetes - Essentials

Diabetes 'essentials' refer to the comprehensive health check-up and treatment paraphernalia a diabetic person can use by himself in order to maintain health and lead an active life. Diabetes essentials include blood glucose meters, insulin injections, ketone strips, correct footwear, healthy snacks and log books.

Join this online group on diabetes essentials to get news about diabetes ‘essentials’ present or appearing in the market – from other diabetic people and doctors and researchers concerned with diabetes.


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Researchers Pursue Multiple Approaches To Type 1 D

Type 1 diabetes, formerly called insulin-dependent diabetes, juvenile diabetes or childhood onset diabetes, affects 1 to 2 million people in the U.S. and millions more worldwide. In this country, it is second only to asthma as the most common chronic disease in children. However, it may begin at any age, when for yet-unknown reasons, a person's immune system mistakenly attacks beta cells that produce insulin. Patients with this type of diabetes are dependent for life on insulin injections or insulin medications.

The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia has set for itself the ambitious goal of advancing pediatric care worldwide. Its researchers are following multiple strategies to preventing, treating and possibly even curing type 1 diabetes.

Gene Discovery Helps Reveal Treatment Targets on Diabetes Pathways

Because all types of diabetes are complex diseases, affected by interactions among multiple genes, genomics researchers here focus on identifying all the genes involved, as a foundation for further investigating how genes function on biological pathways that lead to diabetes. At the Children's Hospital's Center for Applied Genomics, the world's largest pediatric genotyping project, a study team in July 2007 identified a previously unknown gene variant that raises a child's risk of type 1 diabetes.

Posted on : Friday, March 14, 2008 2:41 AM
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