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Diabetes - Essentials

Diabetes 'essentials' refer to the comprehensive health check-up and treatment paraphernalia a diabetic person can use by himself in order to maintain health and lead an active life. Diabetes essentials include blood glucose meters, insulin injections, ketone strips, correct footwear, healthy snacks and log books.

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Diabetes Diet and Indian food

The is immense information on websites, but people seem to discuss too much about western styled food, that as a whole has never known to be healthy.
Most of the indian food are already full of fibre and has a lot of vegetarian component in it, and a Diabeteic has to make just a few changes, rather than start eating all the oats and cereals. There is nothing wrong with indian wholemeal chapattis and vegetables. Also peoplr focus on things which are not what an average man will eat , but something found in western books.
We really need to Ask patients what they want.
Our thinking needs to change.

Posted on : Wednesday, June 13, 2012 5:54 AM
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Our authentic food is far better than western & it serves us better with all required boosts for our body. But while we compare western & Indian food, we gotta get one thing clear that people likes western food cos its short in volume. A tali meal consists of numerous no.s of curries wid rice or something else. while a hamburger comes everything packed inside & settles our hunger more faster than a regular meal. Most of the people choose western meal cos of this. There is no need to have too much of rice, chapatti or curries, just one ham or pizza and its all settled wid the stomach & tongue.
Replied on Wednesday, June 27, 2012 1:26 AM
Raw Food is the best solution for Diabetes which caused due to excessive toxicity in the cells of body that inhibits absorption of sugar from blood thus causing high blood sugar which is known as diabetes. This is alternative healing solution which has cured many people in west.
Replied on Tuesday, February 4, 2014 10:44 PM

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