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Ayurveda is the ancient Indian system of medicine: ayur means breath, wind or life, and veda means knowledge - ayurveda is literally ‘knowledge of life’. The ayurveda texts date back to about 3000 BC, but the system of medicine is still practiced today.

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Hi all,
I'm a 35 year old man living in the US. I've been living according to Ayurvedic principles for several years now to correct a vata imbalance. My constitution is Pitta-Kapha. Over the years I have felt my channels clear but my Agni has yet to kick on. I am very sensitive to most foods. Lately I have had intense cravings for sweet foods but I have a hard time eating anything too sweet because it disturbs Kapha. I feel like I'm stuck in a paradox because the foods that reduce vata make kapha worse which in turn makes my vata imbalance worse. Does that sound right? Does anyone have any advice? Thanks, Mike

Posted on : Monday, November 22, 2010 7:14 PM
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u need to go to panchkarma therapy named VASTI karma..for that time u may take some ayurvedic preparation to balance VATA like avipatikar churan in night, amrut tab thrice in a day, also some diet restriction too...
Replied on Sunday, January 9, 2011 8:13 AM
hello mike ,

Ist of all mark a note that body constitution keeps on changing with age , season , day and night. Its good that you know , you are pitta - kapha based but according to the age rule of body constitution its the peek time of pitta , and this means good agni , and you can digest every thing much easier .

If you crave for sweet you can eat and enoy , but take care of excess of sweet , sweet disturbs kapha only when taken in excess amount , try to take natural sweets coming through fruits veggies , honey . If you are not over weight / obese then you can easily enjoy good sweet any time .

If your digestive system is good , you are not feeling heavy after meals , not feeling gasy , stuffed then you can have things you want to eat .

Vata rules body in elder ages ( 6o years above ) and signs of vata is pains, excess dryness , itching. so don't confuse and enjoy eating in such a good age.

I hope this will help you coming out of your paradox.

Dr Rajshree R Singh
Replied on Saturday, May 26, 2012 7:51 AM
Panchakarma therapy under an expert physician would be helpful
Replied on Wednesday, September 19, 2012 1:53 AM

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