Description : 90% of the young men that come to PAYH arrive with substance abuse issues. Since each of them has unique problems, our substance abuse strategy is based on the individual needs of each young man with four distinct and integrated components available:MOTIVATION FOR CHANGE®: Recovery begins with the determination to change; there must come a moment when a young man realizes that the path they are on is not sustainable. MFC is a six-stage model focused on those who do not yet recognize their need for new direction in life.MORAL RECONATION THERAPY®: One of the most effective ways to decrease recidivism in offenders of all kinds is to stimulate their moral reasoning. Using a systematic cognitive behavioral therapy approach, MRT positively addresses the social, moral, and behavioral growth of our young men.SMART RECOVERY®: Designed to support individuals who have chosen to abstain from addictive behaviors, Smart Recovery is a four-point program that teaches our young men to avoid self-defeating thinking, emotions, and actions and to work towards long-term satisfaction and quality of life.CELEBRATE RECOVERY®: Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain, or addiction of any kind. It is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling one’s life. With over 35,000 churches participating in this program, our young men can easily find a place to connect and continue their recovery after graduation.