Asked By : sureshwebs
Asked on : 07 Oct 2009
Status : published
My Mother is suffering from severe pain in her legs. upon consultation doctor said that there is a calcium deficiency in her body and has advised to take calcium rich food. Please advice me the food which is rich in calcium. Thanks and Regards
Asked By :
Asked on : 24 Jan 2011
Status : published
Hello, I am 32 years old. I had been having lot of pelvic pain, and was diagnosed with endometriosis and put on treatment with Regesterone. I took it for about 4 months, and it worked wonders in releiving pains nad symptoms. I have stopped taking it since last 25 days, and have been having stomach bloating, no periods, a bit of brown discharge (only for 2 days after stopping with the pill), ocasional nausea, mild lower stomach cramps, low back pain, weight gain, on and off diarhhea, breast soreness and nipple sensitivity and drynes, jely like clear and odorless vaginal discharge. PLease tel me if these could be due to pregnnacy? how long does it take to get pregnant after stopping with Regesterone? Am I pregnant? will I be able to get pregnant?the symptoms used to come back in between when missing 1-2 pills, but used to get controlled again with continued use of teh Regestrone tablets. I have not got any of my endometriosis symptoms back after completely stopping with taking them. Please help...should I get tested for pregnancy??
Asked By : shobi123
Asked on : 15 Jan 2010
Status : published
How can i reduce my weight without effecting my health...i am a working women and always tries to eat a balanced diet i am not an over eater.My Weight-65Kg Height-5.4 Ft. Present Diet- Breakfast: morning breakfast consists of two dosa or 4 idlis or 4 slice of bread..
Asked By : Tomen
Asked on : 25 Jan 2012
Status : published
Hi I have a 4 & 1/2 year old boy detected with down syndrome. He is having problem in learning and can't speak a single words but understands some. What type of treatment or therapy or rehabilitation should give him at this age. I am resident of Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, where there is no any facilities or guide or counsellor to help me.
Asked By : Bharatd
Asked on : 21 Jul 2010
Status : published
Hello Experts, Plz help!! My nephew is 5 years old and faints 2 - 3 times a year from past 3 years. The report says "Patchy pneumonitis at right suprahilar and paracardiac region." The syrup used daily is Tegrital(Carbamazepine Oral suspension). How long would it take to be cured and is this issue serious ?
Asked By :
Asked on : 31 Aug 2012
Status : published
hai... this is sunil from hyderbad,AP.My wife is suffering from uterine fibroids for the last 2 years.she wants early symptomatic relief from her problems.her age 30years. plz suggest her a good method,we are awaiting for your early responce thanks®ards sunil
Asked By : s.krishnakumar
Asked on : 10 Feb 2013
Status : published
I am 42. My lipid profile is : Total Cholestrol 220 mg/dl, Triglecerides 119, HDL 30, LDL 166.2, VLDL- 23.8. I regularly excercise which includes around 20 minutes jogging. I do not eat meat. Should I start medication. Are cholestrol- medicines are for life time use? Should I avoid biscuts?
Asked By : pancpain
Asked on : 04 Jun 2010
Status : published
Has anyone heard about P-Divisum/Divisium?
Asked By : vishal.s1711
Asked on : 29 Sep 2011
Status : published
doctor i made the sex with my fioncee 3 or 4 days ago now she has a problem white liquid or blood is coming out from vegina please tell me solution immediatly
Asked By :
Asked on : 09 Mar 2012
Status : published
Hi, I need advice please. I recently used a public toilet and when i wiped myself I noticed the tissue was wet. I looked at the roll I had used and it had previously dropped down the toilet. I know the chances are remote but I worry that It had been dropped down the toilet by a HIV+ lady while she was menustrating. Could you answer a few questions for me please a) Could my mucous membrane absorb the virus with one wipe (I have thrush so slightly enflamed down below)? b) Would the water in the toilet be able to dilute the virus at all, thus making it less infectious? c) Do I need a test? Ive read you cant catch HIV through environmental surfaces but I dont Know If this includes wiping them on a mucous membrane! Thankyou in advance for your time