Asked By : amitdalal
Asked on : 21 Mar 2013
Status : published
Hello Sir/Mam Since last few years I'm having BLACK CIRCLES under my eyes. I had applied several Creams but none has resulted in providing a permanent remedy for the same. I sleep for at-least 6 hours in the night & can't sleep further more as I'm a Professional Guy who has get up early & catch the Train for going to the job. Please help me in seeking a permanent solution for this cause as it doesn't look fine. Regards, Amit Dalal
Asked By : rajakhil
Asked on : 19 Sep 2012
Status : published
I am having premature ejaculation. I ejaculate within a period of within 1 min. I would like to know whether there is any treatment for this and is it reliable ? Where can i find a doctor in kerala or what specialist do i have to consult ? thanks in advance
Asked By :
Asked on : 27 Oct 2009
Status : published
I am getting eye pain when sitting in front of the computer. I am using glasses with the power of -3.25 with astigmatism. What activity should I hold to avoid the eye pain? This has become a problem for me now. Please provide a kind advice.
Asked By : sivakumar99
Asked on : 15 Jan 2010
Status : published
How can you modify my diet? What should be my ideal weight and What should be my total daily intake? Also what can i do to reduce my fat intake? Please tell me variety of foods to be taken everyday? Also let me know some low fat foods and recipes?I take alcohol occasionally.Lifestyle is sedentary.I had history of Kidney Stones and have Asthma too. My Weight-67Kg Height-5.7 Ft. Present Diet- Breakfast: Bed Tea without sugar,2 Paranthas Lunch: dal+vegetable+2roti Snacks: Sandwich Dinner: 1roti/rice +dal +vegetable
Asked By : fire21
Asked on : 08 Mar 2010
Status : published
My partner has CFS - I have read alot about this illness and my partner goes to great lengths to answer any questions - He is currently being prescribed equasym by his doctor which is having a positive effect on his health however he is now considering the modified release tablets. I am very supportive and understanding of his illness - the problem I am having is the stigma and negative views of other people - My friend after speaking to her sister who is a nurse who in her opinion advises that CFS does not exist (not a view I hold) and that it is a form of mental illness, all sufferers are nutters and that I should avoid a relationship with this person at all costs. I have spoken to my partner who showed me various international website to confirm the validity of this illness. Can you please advise with regards to the comments i have heard with regards to mental illness. i see no indication of this from my partner however I would be grateful for any advice you could give me.
Asked By : suheel
Asked on : 03 Jun 2010
Status : published
sir im 22 year old boy.i dont know i hav HIV r not.before 30 days i had a sex wid my friend(homosex).i did nt intercoursed.n didnt ejuclated.i try 2 put my penis in his *** hole.but i unable 2 did dis.but i eneterd my penis near his *** hole.i touched his *** hole in my fingures n wid my penis.after a few seconds im scared n move back.then i did masturbte.since that night i had 6 days of loose motion(decentry) continuesly.after a day of cold n headache.i contacted a doctor n he said there is no symptoms for HIV.then he gives a tablets named NORACIN(norfloxacin) n another one is protogyn(tinidazole).im used Noracin for 5 that 5 days i hav feel like burning in my body.hand,feet n abdomen.i had tiredness of 20 im nt using that tablets since 10 days.nw my body is not burning.10 days ago i had vommiting just 1 in very tention worring body is itching some time. i hav a little pain in my i hav lot of small small white patches on my body.i hav i hav some rashes on my day after dat exposing)nw since 4 days i hav a thrush(white coloured) in my tongue.n also a pimple like rash near that thrush.this rash also paining somtime.since 2 days i hav too much cold...widout dis no other problems sir.Hairy Leukoplakia is only happen bcoz of HIV..? Is dis bcoz of my tention n scare.?is these r hapning bcoz of a side effects of that tablets.?is these r a symptoms of HIV.?reply soon scaring too much.
Asked By :
Asked on : 27 Feb 2011
Status : published
i have a close relative who has following symptoms:- Extremely promiscuous behavior (conformed through various sources) Extreme and inappropriate anger like rage. - Least emotional and low IQ- when confronted she reacts in a very hostile manner and starts crying with tears rolling down. Takes oath of her nearest relatives & starts blaming the accuser to prove her innocence. It appears from her reactions either she is highly manipulative or forgets the act after committing it. She does not accept if she has any psychiatric problem. When asked to see a psychiatrist, out rightly refuses and becomes hostile saying nothing was wrong with her. Refuses to take any medicine .what could be done for her treatment. Please help its extremely urgent.
Asked By :
Asked on : 24 Dec 2009
Status : published
I have the problem of primary infertility. I am on medical treatment from past 2 years but nothing is helping me. I need to know more about IVF and IUI. Can i get a medical advice from an infertility expert?
Asked By :
Asked on : 08 Sep 2012
Status : published
i had unprotected sex 24 hours after my second pill of emergancy birth controll,am i still at risk?
Asked By : mari123
Asked on : 20 Oct 2009
Status : published
If we use multivitamin tablets after 40 years will they work effectively?My mother is appearing very weak.She has 40 plus age.Can u suggest anything for her.