Asked By : san82
Asked on : 13 Sep 2011
Status : published
sir i am 30 year married male. my semen examination report is VOLUME----------------------------2.2ml COLOUR----------------------------milky white PH--------------------------------8.0 LIQUEFACTION TIME-----------------19 minutes FRUCTOSE--------------------------positive TOTAL SPERM COUNT-----------------67.5 million/ml SPERM WITH NORMAL MORPHOLOGY------98 SPERM WITH ABNORMAL MORPHOLOGY----02 MOTILITY (WITHIN 1 HR) ACTIVELY MOTILE-------------------60 SLUGGISHLY MOTILE-----------------40 NON MOTILE------------------------00 OTHERS PUS CELLS-------------------------NEGATIVE ERYTHROCYTES----------------------NEGATIVE Plz guide me it is better or poor report for get a child. THANK U ---------------------------------------------- Reply
Asked By :
Asked on : 30 Aug 2010
Status : published
Dear Sir/ Madam, I have taken the email id from you site i hope you can help me out in getting my child problem solve, i will e very greatful to you if you help me regarding the matter, My son is 7 years of age. He is having trouble in learning, writing etc. and he is always running here and there, and can't able to concentrate on work, can't remember instructions, he don't have friends etc.,I think it is ADHD so kindly give me the advice how can i help him, or i have to take him to a doctor (which doctor will be good and economical) we live in sharjah and we are from India Your early response will highly appriciated Thanks & Regards Muzaffar
Asked By : tchaudhary
Asked on : 05 Jun 2012
Status : published
My wife aged 39 years. She has done her lipid profil tests from a lab at chandigarh. Results are as under: LIPID PROFILE Total Cholesterol 212.00 mg/dL 125 - 200 HDL Cholesterol 41.10 mg/dL Male 30 - 70 mg/dL Female 35 - 90 LDL 138.90 mg/dL 74 - 130 VLDL 32.00 mg/dL 10 - 32 Triglycerides 160.00 mg/dL Male 60 - 165 mg/dL Female 40 - 145 Cholesterol/HDL 5.16 % 3 - 5 % LDL/HDL 3.38 % 1.5 - 3.5 Total Lipids 584.00 Cholostrol of my wife is on higher side. Pls see and advice medicine to reduce cholostrol accordingly. Regards,
Asked By : Vishvas
Asked on : 30 Apr 2010
Status : published
I am 50yrs male. I consume tobbaco (Guthka) 10 - 12 pouch daily. I would like to give up tobbaco. In the past (Yr- 2000) also, I had give up for 4 -5 yrs i.e. till yr- 2005. Due to sudden give up, I had suffered lot like insufficient sleep at night, depression. Sleeping pills were treated by Nuerophysician doctor and ultimately sleeping pills were become regular for more than year. After one year I was OK with out any sleeping pills. Again I would like to giveup for ever. Please advice how do I initiate. Vishvas Makwana
Asked By : paschar
Asked on : 22 Mar 2010
Status : published
in india , how many people view objects as if in a mirror known to suffer from strephosymbolia (a form of Dyslexia) .? paschar
Asked By : simplycg
Asked on : 11 May 2012
Status : published
i was using gentopic cream for general skin problems . now the same has been stopped by company (systopic) .. can you please tell me the alternative of gentopic as this was very effective
Asked By : Rakesh.Nautiyal
Asked on : 02 Sep 2010
Status : published
I need help in identifying which doctors should i consult. 1. I am experiencing difficulty in visibility and less feeling around my left eye after i used too much of ciplox-d for conjuctivitis. 2. I have about 50% feeling in my right thigh after i went through a laser procedure for stone treatment in delhi, this happened as i was in enesthesia and may be becaus of wrong posture somewhere blood circulation stopped in my thigh, this is since last 1-2 years. 3. I have recently experienced pain in extreme low end of my spin. it may be due to excessive sitting. Please advise good doctors and hospitals in Bangalore Jaya Nagar area
Asked By : biplab
Asked on : 24 Jul 2010
Status : published
My son is suffering from Duchennes muscular dystrophy. He is 11 years old & lost mobility of his lower limbs. Mobility of upperlimbs has also become restricted. I have give hi stem cell therapy at AIIMS, ND. He has been injected with stem cells collected from himself 4 times. It did not give any long term result. He is being given physiotherapy everyday. Has any treatment come to India like gene replacement/repair theapy. Is there any other mode of treatment?
Asked By : vsree
Asked on : 17 Apr 2012
Status : published
Dear Sir/Madam, I am now aged 60 yrs, a Prof (Retired) and a diabetic patient too. Now I use Madhuramratham (15 mL) with a glass of water in the morning and Nishakathakathy Kazhayam (20 mL) with two Chandraprabha Tabs and 80 mL of water at bed time. In addition to this I use Nellika with Pacha Manjal in the early moring (around 3 am) making it a paste in a mixer grinder, on empty stomache . Now the sugarlevels are : FBS - 122 mg & PPBS - 146 mg. I used the Dathpushty Tablets and I found it to be very much active as regards to the sexual feelings and activities. But I had to discontinue these Dhathupushty tablets for fear of an increse in the sugar levels before. The present condition is that I do not get usual erection and I fear I may lose sexual life. Hence I request you to advise me in this matter and a reply to this mail at the earliest. v. sreekumar 17.04.2012