Asked By :
Asked on : 19 Feb 2012
Status : published
Hi, i read the article about TATT that you guys posted. I've been looking for the answer of my tiredness for a long time, i don't do anything but go to school, and i even calculate when i am supposed to sleep so i can make sure that i sleep a minimum of eight hours since i have to wake up at 6 30 am everyday and sometimes i wake up at 7 am because of how tired i am. I don't know what gets me so tires, i don't suffer from any syndrome or illness, the only thing i have is allergies wherever theres dust. I can barely put attention in class, and theres nothing stressing me. I take tennis one hour, two times a week, and i do nothing because i feel so sleepy. I barely get out of my house, because when my friends ask me to go out with them, i make up some excuse so i don't have to get up and change. At first i thought it was just laziness, but it's extreme that i am always tired and sleepy. I read a comment the other day that said that TATT was caused by watching too much TV and using a lot a computer; and that's all i do. I want to know if TATT syndrome is what i have, and what can i do to be better.
Asked By : nagesh47772
Asked on : 09 Jun 2012
Status : published
recently i tested my semen analysis is motility:25% dead 60% and sluggish 15% what medicine i have to use? to get child?
Asked By : drsmtripathi
Asked on : 21 Jan 2011
Status : published
Any treatment(new) for vitligo
Asked By : tabia mir
Asked on : 04 Feb 2010
Status : published
i want to know about medical elective oppurtunites in hospital in india?
Asked By : Srinivas_1971
Asked on : 28 Feb 2010
Status : published
Sir, my son who is 8 year old needs to undergo circumcision. Can u please suggest a good surgeon and hospital in visakhapatnam.
Asked By : janaki
Asked on : 19 Feb 2010
Status : published
I am 32 of two kids with5.4 height with78kg I have tyroid TSH is 4.88(.27/4.27) i dont eat junk,bakery, sweets.only two times my meals one in the moring 10 and 7.30 in the eve at 3pm i will have a cup of green tea. I eat only sprouts, little quantity of rice, greens, chappatis. I am having 50mg of electrocin in my empty stomach. I amhaving full day fasting in weekly once. no sign of reducing my weight. I use to wash clothes myself and walk 4 times in staircase (3 floors) Is there any remedy for me Please.
Asked By : Smit13
Asked on : 22 Oct 2012
Status : published
In april 2012, i was diagnosed with blood sugar (225/385). My doctor prescribed me below tablets: 1) Glimulin tablet before breakfast and Glycomet 500 mg after lunch and dinner for 1 month. After 1 month tested the blood sugar and level was 140/160. 2) After 1 month he has stopped the glimulin and continue the Glycomet 500 mg after lunch and dinner. After 1 month tested the blood sugar and level was 130/155. 3) Now he has prescribed me Exermet 500 mg after lunch and dinner for 1 month. After 1 month tested the blood sugar and level was 150/225. 4) Now again he has changed the tablet by saying that your body is not producing insulin so we have to contiue the tablet same as previous i.e. Glycomet 500 mg after lunch and dinner. So i would like to know that my doctor prescribed me the tablet is correct or not.
Asked By : Shaibal
Asked on : 19 Apr 2010
Status : published
My mother is 66 yrs. old. Two months ago once she blacked out and fell down , early in the morning while going towards toilet. Today also she fell down in the toilet by 4 AM and got hurt. In both the occasions she could not remember how she fell down. She suffers from hypertension and is under medication. We checked her BP in both the occasions, it was OK (150/70 ). What can be the cause ?
Asked By : lovemykids
Asked on : 08 Mar 2012
Status : published
I have hypothyroidism and have had it for 8 years. It is very mild usually a tsh of 4. During my ivf procedure it went up to 6 due to the hormones etc. I became pregnant but still had a high tsh. The doctor told me we need to bring it down and fast. I was taking 100 micrograms of eltroxin and the doctor raised me over a month to 225. My tsh went down but to .26. The doctor cut me by 50 micrograms. I went for a tsh test and t3 and t4 are still fine but my tsh was even lower .067 I am living overseas where there is a lot incompetency with doctors here. I had to find a lab that was giving accurate results because a lot of the labs use old machines and couldn't even give me an accurate tsh reading. Its really sad. The current tsh numbers I have are accurate after careful investigation. What should i do now. Should I cut the medicine i am taking altogether and then go for a tsh test and then start taking eltroxin again if my tsh goes high or should i just reduce my dosage and to what? thank you. i am pregnant and would like to save my baby.
Asked By : mahendrakewat
Asked on : 21 Nov 2012
Status : published
say about constipation