Asked By : Neduvakattu
Asked on : 07 Jan 2012
Status : published
IAm aged 40 diagnosed Hypothyroidism 1989-90 when student BSC daily prescribed for Eltroxin tablets Kindly advise for alternative treatment food habits & lifestyle regds & Best wishes for New year
Asked By : santosh2011
Asked on : 13 Aug 2011
Status : published
Any idea about how & where to treat old age related spinal chord pain(lower waist) and subsequent bending of the spinal chord? I can share more details with the specialist.Please guide.
Asked By : Ali_xpire
Asked on : 28 Oct 2011
Status : published
my son is 14months old he born with disease Pierre robin syndrome.there is a hole in his mouth upper roof.please tell me there is any treatment to fill it or the surgery is only way
Asked By : rafis
Asked on : 15 Jun 2012
Status : published
hello sir my friends daughter 10years old, she was suffering acute leukemia morphologically favouring lymphoid decease what is the decease ? What is the chances of a recovery.
Asked By :
Asked on : 03 May 2012
Status : published
i have only right testis and my penis small is very small varies b/w 1.5inch -2.5inch normal and 3-4.5inches when erected...iam worried which type of doctor to meet...iam very worried...some times my testis hangs downwards and sometimes it become normal wht is the problem...plz help iam worried
Asked By : sissy
Asked on : 21 Jun 2011
Status : published
is it possible for a man with ulcerative colitis to produce semin that is fertile to produce babies
Asked By : Bharani286
Asked on : 12 Oct 2011
Status : published
Hello Doctor, My wife had unbearable headache, 72 hours back and was taken to the causality ward in the hospital. They gave her a shot of Ketonov and after about an hour she had a 10% reduction in the pain. She was administered another injection called zofor as she vomited thrice that night. She was later prescribed Gabantin 100 mg for the last 3 days. She was also asked to take Topirol 50 mg morning and night dose. Macorate had been prescribed for sleep but i did not allow her to take it. 72 hours down, headache keeps emerging and the pills are popped. If it was a severe bout of migraine she mustve responed well for the drug but this is hinting something else. Most of the above being epileptic drugs is my wife epileptic? Does she need to go in for regular epileptic treatment? She was on that for 1 and 1/2 yrs , 5 yrs back when she used to have absent seizures ( frequent faintings - 3-5 times per day. MRI revealed lacuna infarct in the brain ( legion in the brain). Kindly help......
Asked By : Lolly
Asked on : 14 Jan 2012
Status : published
My baby is 2 years old.She severely get we consult a pediatrician.He recomment that admit in hospital and put sterile to my baby.Next day diarrohea was passed continuously and then suffer fits.After 5 hours, she attacked a next fit.He prescribed some said a CT Scan has to be done and it was normal.After one day, she had fits for third time.Suddenly we change a hospital. Doctor took blood test and EEG.She told potassium was very low nearly 2.5.she prescribed GARDINOL, FRISSIUM.EEG result is "epilepsy discharges".What is the problem to my baby?Is this disease curable.plz help me
Asked By :
Asked on : 30 Nov 2011
Status : published
Asked By : chahat_chanda
Asked on : 04 Apr 2011
Status : published
are hyperactive kids mentally retarted?can they lead a normal life?