Asked By : sanju77
Asked on : 15 May 2012
Status : published
i feel like nausea whenever i sleep on bed or get up. my head becomes heavy but i don't feel wometing. my B.P. & pulse is normal. i consult a doctor, he said to me you have severe acidity. Please tell me what's the problem is?
Asked By : Kim46
Asked on : 09 May 2012
Status : published
I have had stiff necks for many years. My dad has DDD, osteoporosis, and has had a fusion in his lower back. The stiff neck prob started with an injury i got at a job i worked at many years ago. i had a hysterectomy about 5 years ago. i am now 46. On Sep 7th of last year i got a stiff neck and was told i needed and MRI for DDD but i didnt get it done and a few days later my stomach was extended for about a week with gas. i had a scope but it didnt show much. Before April 22 i had another stiff neck then by April 22 i had pressure in my mid back section a few days later extreme spasming in my R ribcage area. The next day i was extended again with gas and i have also had constipation. every day sense i have had one prob after another such as: night sweats, chills, but no real fever, muscle spasms in entire back and R calf (extreme), numbness in my R hand and R knee area when awaking, twinges of pains lasting just a few seconds in different parts of my trunk area, weight loss, some headaches but not many, numbness in my left leg while riding in a car. Most of my symptoms are brought on by physical activity. My Dr says that i prob have a herniated disc but isnt to worried. he has been looking at my thyroid (normal) CT of abdomen and pelvic (normal) all blood work and urine from ER Dr's and Fam Dr all normal. My Family Dr wants to do another scope of my stomach. Can you help with any advice? Thank You
Asked By : Swateekishan
Asked on : 31 Oct 2011
Status : published
My friend got a severe acidity problem.He says its hereditary in his case as his father also have the same problem..He loves to eat junk foods.Can you please suggest some medicines for him.Whenever he feels uncomfortable he just take ENO in a large quantity.Can you please give some permanent solution to this problem???PLEASE.
Asked By : suresh060979
Asked on : 02 May 2012
Status : published
Sir, My brother's wife is getting hiccups often every hour, she is looking weak with headache since 9 days. the doctor gave her Rl and DNS bottles, multi vitamin injections. but still no betterment. one day she looks good and the other day looks very weak. She has no other diseases till date except SUGAR mildly. please let me know if anyone could help.
Asked By : tusharssss
Asked on : 07 Dec 2011
Status : published
patient operated colon obstacle.... ascending colon have koch's lymphadinities and poorly differentiated adenoma carcinoma ,.. done 6 cycle of chemo. what to do for koch's ?
Asked By : ChandanPednekar
Asked on : 25 Dec 2011
Status : published
Hey this is Chandan and I am 22 year old. I was diagnosed with splenomegaly and was admitted for hepatitis A relapse two years ago. My spleen right now measures upto 18 cms in length. It has been this large for the last two to three years. My doctors are not pretty sure about the exact cause behind the same. My family doctor suspects it to be a liver problem since my bilrubin count had went up to 30.9 during my hepatitis A relapse. I am having a lot for problems due to low immunity. I also suffered from bronchitis in my teen years though its under control now. But still I suffer from a lot of problems due to heavy cough and cold due to sinuses. My diet is not much balanced at this moment and probably has been having an adverse effect on my health. I don't drink, but I did drink a certain amount of alcohol past year which I have completely cut out. Also I don't smoke but do hang out with people and friends who do. I recently met a good ayurvedic doctor who mentioned that my prognosis is pointing towards Wilson's disease though my neuro surgeon had denied the possibility after a test. I am pretty frustrated at this moment due to what the doctor has told me. Also my life is kind of a mess. All this has been affecting my life lately. I would like to know whether is there anything I could do to get my spleen back to normal and become physically fit again. Thank you. Regards Chandan Pednekar
Asked By : mutans
Asked on : 23 Jun 2012
Status : published
after hernia after how much time we can resume activities like driving scooter, car, walking stairs? n in how much time swelling subsides of testes area after operation?
Asked By : jay29
Asked on : 03 Oct 2012
Status : published
I have acidity/indigestion problem for 10 years. Right side of forehead starts paining severly. I tried Omez/Pantaprozole. It works temporarily. Should I continue the course or there any better option?
Asked By : kkaatt9
Asked on : 08 Dec 2011
Status : published
I take Doxyclcyine once a day. Its going on five days that it feels like the pill is stuck in my throat and it also hurts once it passes down my esophagus near my diaphragm and stomach. Do I need to see a Gastroenterology?
Asked By : javeed_akhtar
Asked on : 23 Apr 2012
Status : published
Dear Sir i underwent an inguinal hernia operation in early 2007. it reoccurred in mid 2011. i went to a general surgeon who performed operation under local anesthesia. it is now the third day. i see that bulge has not reduced much and the right scrotum still large than the left one. i do not know what operation he has done using the mesh. it should have completely disappeared on the surface. this the forth of operation. i have to visit the surgeon in a day or two. I ould request your expert opinion about the competence of the surgeon or what ?