My daughter has sever vasculits has unbearable pain and broken vessels in legs. tried the steriods and could'nt take them from complications. Her's originated from Sjogrens Syndrome a auto immune desiase of the moisture producing glands We appreciate any and all sugestions you may have tried. thank you karlenr@sbcglobal.net
Replied on Saturday, February 12, 2011 12:11 AM
hi this is diana ,ive been suffring frm vasculitis frm about 5yrs...ive tried allopathy but on advise frm a frd tried ayurvedic treatment.i did it in a hospital named S.D.M. located in udupi,karnataka,india.althouh the treatment is tough.my wounds healed in 2weeks.my frn who had suggested me this place has not suffered from a relapse...i cant say the same for me sadly..i too am looking for a more permanent solution,as treatment in ayurveda involves strict control on diet...regularly.if u need to know more in detail about da plce u cn reply.i replied as u had written "any and all suggestions"
Replied on Saturday, January 14, 2012 1:01 PM
 eldho12 (Guest)
hi my name is eldho my sister suffering from vasculites from three years she had wounds in both legs sometimes she coudnt even walk or sit severe joint pains alreddy she used to take steroids from last two years u please reply me the place were u taken the tratment, address and every details now are u completely alright.what type of vasculites u have please send me all the details
Replied on Thursday, July 26, 2012 12:26 AM
my mother is also suffering with sever vasculitis has unbearable pain and broken vessels in legs,taking steroids , MMF Tablets [alternate to Cyclophosphamide injection] as she is unbearable to continue with the treatment.please help if you have identified good doctor / institute /treatment ,it will be really great help ,thanks
Replied on Monday, June 25, 2012 1:29 PM
They have shown vasculitis to be linked to siderosis and a lack of antioxidants. Siderosis causes oxidation so one can understand WHY one might be low on antioxidants. Low iron diet and iron depletion therapy.
"For the first time, we present one patient with vasculitis of the central
nervous system associated with systemic hemochromatosis in superficial
siderosis. Therapeutic approach included immunosuppressive therapy and
venupunctures in the patient with vasculitis and hemochromatosis, and
symptomatic treatment with chelating agents and antioxidants. The patient
remained clinically stable for the follow-up period of up to 2 years."
Replied on Monday, June 13, 2011 12:56 AM
I am suffered from Vasculitis which effected my left eye vision, vision is partial for that eye. s per doctor now disease is active. Is there any medicine or cure for my problem.
Replied on Saturday, October 29, 2011 11:27 AM
 fighter (Guest)
I am 36 years male, I had 4 bouts of nasal polyps operation and I developed asthma after my first operation. I had used dose regime of corticosteroids and antibiotics for all the times. I had to go to emergency at least 4 times with rashes on my feet and I did not use any medications. In one instance my CRP was high and also my esinophilic counts and IgE. Now I have a esinophil count between 8-11% with mucous in my nostrils,loss of smell and also in my stool. I feel I have inflammation in my viscera altering at different locations. All the signs do points to Vesiculitis but no doctor has diagnosed me that condition during my visits.I once got ANA positive but this can sometimes be false negative. I don't know what to do could you help
Replied on Saturday, January 26, 2013 3:09 AM
My son 3 years old is suffering from vasculities . His multi organ r effected will u please tell me the best doctor in India for him.
Please help me. I 've lost my husband two years before. He Is my life .
Replied on Saturday, July 12, 2014 12:37 PM