I would like to get clarification on the following with respect to corporate mediclaim insurance.
1. What is the exact meaning of Congenital Internal Disease? 2. Testis undescended at Birth falls under Congenital Internal Disease or not?
Even my mediclaim policy covers for Congenital Internal Disease and also for pre-exisisting at Birth,Insurance claim is denied for the surgery performed for testis undescended.
Kindly update me on this.
Regards Prashanth.H.T
Replied on Friday, April 3, 2009 12:00 AM
 kazeem (Guest)
Is there any artificial surgical replacement testis for an undescended testis that is ultimatly removed, which will serve just for cosmetic purpose?
Replied on Tuesday, June 9, 2009 12:00 AM
 narasimharaon (Guest)
sir i had one un decend test my age 28 can i get it ok plz tellme doctors name and address for treat ment iam in hyderabad
Replied on Monday, July 13, 2009 12:00 AM
 atclama40 (Guest)
Season's greetings!
My brother is 23 years old and is suffering from undescended penis since birth. Due to circumstances he was never treated or examined. In 2004 the examinations were carried out and the results were as follows:
USG KUB scan=organs imaged appear normal
USG of testis=bilateral undescended testes with micro testis.
subsequently ultrasonography for lower abdomen was carried and the results were :
undescended left testis[abdominal position], right testis seen in right inguinal canal.
Chromosome analysis= normal male karyotype.
He was given profasi 200mg for 03 months twice weekly. thereafter no further treatment and review were carried out.Please advise us the type of treatment he should undergo and the place where he can undergo such treatment.
Replied on Wednesday, March 16, 2011 2:58 AM
 chin2 (Guest)
Just wnted to know what did you do for your bro....our friend has the same condition.needed your help . can he father child?
Replied on Tuesday, May 21, 2013 5:38 AM
 Willie28 (Guest)
Sir, am 28 yrs old with undescended testis.what is my fertility status and how do i go about it pls tell me
Replied on Tuesday, November 8, 2011 5:35 AM