Sure thing, he has a difficulty digesting foods. Has anyone ever heard of Habba Syndrome? (We all Habba syndrome at one time or another – Ha! Forgive the cheap pun.) Habba Syndrome was first described by Dr. Saad F. Habba, as a condition in which chronic diarrhea is associated with abnormal activity and excess bile being released by the gall bladder. Dr. Habba (who checks out – he's got his bona fides in order) first described and attached his name to the syndrome (which was published) in the early 2000s. It is different from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, as it doesn't present with abdominal pain and generally improves with fasting. Treatment is usually a course of bile acid binding agent therapy, and some of them are generic – so it might not run you payday loans to treat it, if you get diagnosed.
Replied on Saturday, October 17, 2009 12:00 AM