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Lungs and Respiration :
Tuberculosis / Pulmonary Tuberculosis / Lung Tuberculosis / TB

Tuberculosis (TB) is a common infectious and often deadly disease caused by the bacteria mycobacterium tuberculosis. When it attacks the lungs, it is called pulmonary or lung tuberculosis.

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Tuberculosis / Pulmonary Tuberculosis / Lung Tuberculosis /TB

In 1826 a physician Laennec said this about tuberculosis -"Whatever the form in which the tuberculous matter develops, it begins as a grey, semi-transparent matter that little by little becomes yellow, opaque, and dense. Then it softens, and slowly acquires a liquidity like pus. This...Read More

Posted on : Wednesday, January 7, 2009 12:00 AM
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dear sir,I was going through spinal TB treatment for about 10-11 months..and Istop taking medicines after this time period.. and now I am feeling symptoms again such as weakness,loss of weight but no cough..on my upper portion of my back its something like nailing inside..I am really afraid to consult doctor again because doctor told me that their is no ways to treat TB if you stopped taking medicine without my consult..I stopped my medicine in starting of January 2015..please help me sir..my age is 25 years and I am a boy living in India
Replied on Wednesday, September 2, 2015 4:32 AM
Hello sir,

I am 28 years old,

I had cough and chest pain, i consulted the doctor and he said there some fluid in my chest and removed fluid by endoscopy treatment, but they found TB bacteria in biopsy result, I started the TB treatment that akurit4 tablets for 2 months and akurit3 for 4 months, and I was feeling better.

After completed 6 months treatment I found enlarged lymb node [left side of the neck].

Doctor suggest me to remove the lymb nodes and continue akrut3 tablets

I could not continue day by day treatment with tb tablet, I had missed 4 or 5 days TB tablet in initial months of completed six months treatment - Is that big problem?
Now I am really afraid of this. I have few more doubts that i have listed below, I hope you will help me

1) Why lymb node enlarged after 6 month completed treatment?

2) How do i check if there a TB bacteria in my body? or how do i check TB bacteria increasing or decreasing in my body?

3) DB patients have any problem in future? Will TB come back in future?

4) What are the side effects of long duration TB treatment with TB tablets?

Replied on Monday, September 5, 2016 2:16 PM

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