RaZZZZ (Guest)
It's unfortunate that families can suffer so much from bad sleep. Most of us know what to do in order to better yourselves, but are not willing to take the steps and make the changes towards it. Sleep is crucial to a happy life. Some very helpful natural sleep remedies are things such as a 'worry journal', turning off the stimulants before bed, or a bath.
A 'worry journal' is a book you can keep beside your bed and write in before you turn off the lights. Make sure your bedroom has lights that can be dimmed [as well as the rest of your house] because bright lights stimulate the brain and trick it into thinking it's day time. You can write anything you like in the journal such as your thoughts or to do list. Don't hold back, you can always though it out in the morning.
Most people live very fast paced lives. For better quality sleep, you want to reduce the stimulants in the evening while your body readies itself for sleep. The FREE e-book called Get To Sleep Now! It's got 39 tips to following asleep. http://www.instantlyfallasleep.com including things to avoid like eating late, reading, watching TV, exercise, a fight. Save all these things for the daytime.
Replied on Saturday, May 14, 2011 12:52 AM