 readabook_34 (Guest)
Whether you leave teens alone, or you are constantly watching them, they will have urges and curiosities about sex. Sex is a very natural thing and it's completely normal for teens to experience urges and feel curious about sex. I support comprehensive sex education in public schools 100%. It's EDUCATION NOT PERMISSION to have sex. Comprehensive sex education allows teens to be educated on the proper forms of contraceptives if they do choose to partake in sexual activities. No one can stop a teen from participating in sex. But we CAN help educate them so if they choose to do so, they can do it in an educated manner, and take all precautions so that they don't become pregnant or contract an STD. If you believe that abstinence is the only way to reach our kids these days, you're highly naive and need to realize that, that form of "education" is completely unrealistic.
Replied on Thursday, September 15, 2011 7:04 PM
 Jiarul (Guest)
my wife blood groupA and my blood groupA any problem in furture or an effect come out my child?
Replied on Friday, October 7, 2011 7:32 AM
 Angie_1 (Guest)
We ARE teenagers and we have hormones that can't really be controlled, I think that sex is healthy, but we have to be educated at a young age. I'm 19 and I was educated about sex in fifth grade! I was just 10 years old! Nowadays, parents try to avoid that awkward conversation instead of facing it and teaching their children.
Replied on Wednesday, November 16, 2011 11:54 PM
 priyankarawat (Guest)
we should teach them what we all do as human.dont shy to say we do sex because human race depends on it
Replied on Thursday, January 26, 2012 4:51 AM
If you are laying on top of a girl and you have no clothes on. Can the pre come get a girl pregnant. Even if you have no penatration.
Replied on Thursday, April 12, 2012 7:17 PM