I was diagnosed with rheumatic fever almost four months ago. The doctors said that I have all of the classic signs and that this was the worst case they've ever seen. It is said to be very rare. I'm believing so! I've tried to find a blog group to share my experiences with anyone out there that is suffering with the same condition but I'm having NO luck finding a blog group for RF/RA sufferers.
Replied on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 12:00 AM
I was diagnosed RF long ago
i took Penciliin for about 8 years
till the age of 20
and then another 6 mnths course when i was 23
now i am 28
and i m once agian having this feeling that RF is back :)
but dont worry
chill chillo and enjoy life
just ek jadu ki jhapi and life maja ni :P
Replied on Sunday, September 7, 2008 12:00 AM
 buterfly (Guest)
i was diagnostic of non specific and until now i am only sick in my finger what treatment for this diagnostic?
Replied on Tuesday, April 21, 2009 12:00 AM
 controlrftoday (Guest)
What no body says about rhuematic fever!!!! My son had a mild form of rheumatic fever twice. He only had a rash and migratory arthritis. he did not seem to have any heart problems, but I am aware that sometimes it does not show up until adulthood. Anyway I researched hours to find out an alternative cure besides 10 years of antibiotics!!!! I cant find anything, but I will tell you about our experience. his foot and knee were swollen up like balloons. I put him on NO SUGAR< NO PROCESSED WHITE BREAD AND SUCH, mostly vegetables, even fruit has sugar. His symptoms lasted 2 weeks!!! until I took him to a birthday party and allowed him to have cake and candy and it came back!!!! The next time he got it I did the vegetable diet again and it stayed very mild, then I gave him all kinds of medicinal herbs which caused him hives. Sounds bad, except that the hives distracted his body from the rheumatic reaction and it never came back, he only had it 5 days!!! soooo now he has it again. I will do the vegetable diet, lots of water, try to cause hives. I"m possitive raw apple cider vinegar will help alot and whole food green vitamins.....I wanted to share. Diet has a HUGE effect on the condition. Blessings to you. Cut down on dairy.
Replied on Tuesday, April 28, 2009 12:00 AM
 Lisaduncan (Guest)
can a person that has already had mitral valve replacement (15 years ago) have Aorta Valve replacement, too??
Replied on Tuesday, November 10, 2009 12:00 AM