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Gastrointestinal System :
Reflux Esophagitis

Esophagitis is a condition due to an inflammation of the lining of the lower end of the oesophagus. Esophagus or gullet is a hollow muscular tube about 2 cms in diameter that acts as the 'swallowing pipe' leading to the stomach. Muscles of the esophagus contract in a co-ordinated fashion in one direction to push the food down through a valve like muscle called the lower esophageal sphincter. Reflu ... Read More


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Reflux Esophagitis

Esophagitis is a condition due to an inflammation of the lining of the lower end of the oesophagus. Esophagus or gullet is a hollow muscular tube about 2 cms in diameter that acts as the 'swallowing pipe' leading to the stomach. Muscles of the esophagus contract in a co-ordinated...Read More

Posted on : Friday, August 6, 2010 12:00 AM
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I suffer from chronic reflux disease. I know how to control it - what to eat and what not to eat. I believe the most likely cause at the outset is over prescription of antibiotics. They kill the bad bacteria that is causing the problem but they all kill the good bacteria. This leads to fermentation in the stomach and digestive system, and pockets of air will throw the stomach contents up, particularly so at night. It is very unusual to have too much acid - it is more likely that once you are over 50, your stomach is producing less acid - a supplement of hydrochloric acid with pepsin will greatly help. Avoid any food with sugar content as this causes more fermentation. Eat plenty of green apples, apple cider vinegar tonic water and baking power. Avoid ALL food with sugar and starch - you should then be able to keep your symptoms under control without resorting to chemical pharmaceuticals. Josie in Wales
Replied on Thursday, August 13, 2009 12:00 AM

Dear josie i m also suffering from reflux what to do? Daily i am taking rabeprazole. Endoscopy also been done shows H Pylori infection.
Replied on Friday, March 19, 2010 12:00 AM

Please give me full details of your symptoms - how long you have suffered them - how old are you - what treatment are you receiving for H Pylori infection? Are you able to purchase Apple Cider Vinegar [with the "mother" included]? I will try and help you with herbal cures that are available here in UK. Josie
Replied on Friday, March 19, 2010 12:00 AM

Hey. I also have chronic reflux. I was wandering if you could help me too. I´m John, 35. I´m in Colombia, South America.
Replied on Monday, May 10, 2010 12:00 AM

hey my dad is suffering from Reflux oesophagitis since 20 years,and he had done several endoscopy , he still has heart burning , and it is getting worst , please can anybody can suggest something for me , it will be highly appreciated..
Replied on Friday, August 6, 2010 12:00 AM
I am 30 male, since last 8 years i was taking laxatives due to constipation. but i have stopped taking them since last 8 months. but around 2 years i am suffering from gas problem, burbs and indigestion. which got worse in last 2 months. since last two months my appetite has gone totally down, i have lost around 5kg weight, whole day i feel sick, not in a mood to do anything, low of energy, continous burbs, stomach full of gas whole day, vomiting sensation and nausea at times, tendency of stomach not clear even after passing motion, fullness in stomach specially after eating anything. some times motion is like normal, but other time it will be like loose motion. i have showed to many doctors, but recently i showed a gastro specialist, who did all the test like blood test, urnine test, thyroid test, cbc test, diabetise test, liver function test, where all the test came normal. in whole abdominal ultrasound, there was found a stone or polyp of 3 mm in my gallblader. then he asked me to go for an endoscopy which showed that i have esophegitis and gastric ulcer. he gave a medice [Rabeprazole sodium] for one month, but its been over 3 weeks since taking the medicine, but my condition is same, feeling just little better. i have showed my reports to a general surgeon , he suggested me that its all because of gallblader stone or polyp. he recommended me to go for laproscopy surgery and remove the gallbladder. but the gastro doctor said that gallblader is not creating trouble to me. can someone help me what to do so that i can live healthy life. plz suggest.
Replied on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 11:21 PM

Are you on any meds? Certain meds can cause esophagitis, including NSAIDs [such as Advil] and Propecia (the hair-loss med). It may take a few weeks to get back to normal after experiencing side-effects to such meds.
Replied on Tuesday, September 25, 2012 2:52 PM
Its true..thank u a lot..this is wht abt i feel..hard to breath and anxiety..im suffering for 12 yrs alrdy..id like to take surgery i hope it can make a different..not al doc know abt this..here in asia they argue a lot and just give me medicine bt still doesnt make a change..
Replied on Monday, November 12, 2012 8:22 AM
This is a great piece of information. pmp training
Replied on Wednesday, April 10, 2013 6:09 AM

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