i have primary amenorrhea so,where i have treatment for hospital
Replied on Tuesday, August 18, 2009 12:00 AM
Hello holy2008 how are you? hope all is well with you. To answer your question you should see an endocrinologist or OBGYN doctor they will most likely put you on birth control pills or some kind of hormone therapy. However, they will most likely make you take a series of test to find out why you are not getting a period. I will like to encourage you to pray and trust God I am a christian and I believe with God all things are possible.
Replied on Thursday, September 9, 2010 8:22 AM
i have found out i have primary amenhorreha. I am muslim and 16. i cant get married becasue i cant have children my family told me. any other muslims with primary amenhorrea? and can people like us get pregnant through ivf or other stuff?
Replied on Sunday, October 14, 2012 12:36 PM
hi bm335 i m 36yrs muslim,married at the age of 24,enjoying life and thankful to GOD.1st dont be hopeless,miracles happen only in this world not afterworld.2nd be positive,think positive and set ur goal for life like a normal person.3rd try to get best medical treatment as much u can.4th never ever give ur this disease secret to any one even to ur best friend and ask ur family to do same,its not a good news to share.5th if u dont find a bachelor to get married then get marry a man who is a single dad and u can take care of those little angels.6th being a muslim u can avail all types of treatments like ivf etc..,islam does,nt punish any one,it is very beautiful religion with all kind of guidance in all prospectives of life.7th try to keep ur self morally boost and high,if u dont have only one thing but u have so many gifts from GOD even countless in ur body,life,family etc...i hope u,ll understand and act like this.be happy and try to raise urself a loving and responssible person4 others.
Replied on Wednesday, December 5, 2012 8:07 PM
i am 23 year old female.i m suffering from growth hormone deficiency n also primary amenorrhea.i m obese.my height is 4.9 n weight is 67kgs.i m not suffering from turners syndrome or thyroid.my doctor suggested me primarin 0.625mg n delivery. I m having these tablets from 9years,if i wont eat the tablets i will not get periods.now my parents are thinking about my marriage,I know I cant conceive. please help me...
Replied on Thursday, October 14, 2010 12:52 PM
 parttimeangel739 (Guest)
Well tbh I'm quite surprised to find someone in the same situation as myself! Kinda a relief im not the only one out there. Well im 28, I have had a period previously from the bcp, as well as my fertility specialist put me on estrogen,and progesterone pills daily. She had suggested trying IUI and/or IVF. The problem is the excessive cost as well as the injectable fertility meds. I know that feeling ive been dealing with that knowledge and stress since I was 14yrs old. However the doctor I've been seeing seems to think there is a chance, albeit difficult that I could concieve. So don't give up, as I sure won't!
Replied on Wednesday, April 3, 2013 9:01 PM
 pisches91 (Guest)
may i know what is the clinical manifestations for primary amennorhea
Replied on Friday, January 7, 2011 9:30 PM
I am dhanam. 28 yrs. not attend mensuration. my ovaries are normal, uterus is 33mm and vagina not visualized. do i have any treatment for my problem. pls reply me...
Replied on Friday, March 4, 2011 9:22 AM
I am AUGUSTA 28 yrs. not attend mensuration. my ovaries are normal, uterus is 33mm and vagina IS normal. do i have any treatment for my problem. pls reply me..favor4destiny@gmail.com.
Replied on Tuesday, July 5, 2011 1:31 PM
 RockinMomma79 (Guest)
I have Primary Amenorrhea and never menstrated. My uterus is intact just undersized and my ovaries are there. I have the parts but they just never got jump started. Some time at the start of puberty my signals just never got sent and I produce almost no FSH or LH and barely any estrogen. I admit I have let treatment go and went through years of heavy fertility and was thankful enough to baffle doctors and carry 2 out of 4 pregnancies and have a 4 1/2 year old son and twin sons who will be 3 this month... Have you gone to a doctor??
Replied on Saturday, May 5, 2012 10:26 PM
RockinMomma79,thanks for your concern,,do send a guide of scale through
Replied on Sunday, May 13, 2012 6:06 AM
I am dhanam. I am in Primary amenorrhea. please guide me to consult a doctor in this regard. I consulted many doctors, but nobody tells me that i can become pregnant.. i need your guidance please..
Replied on Sunday, June 10, 2012 2:01 AM
PLEASE help and email me am stressed my daughter whoz 20 has primary amenorreah and never menstruated. has small uterus 2cm and small ovaries, please give me contacts of the doctors who helped you wherever they are in the world.i also need names of medication you took .
Replied on Thursday, September 20, 2012 12:42 PM
have you got any information on the issue, do let us know,thanks.
Replied on Wednesday, January 16, 2013 9:52 PM
Rockinmomma79,its a year now. i have been to a doctor,and it did not help, please can you give me the address and contacts of your doctor, yours is a success story,please help us
Replied on Wednesday, January 16, 2013 9:50 PM
Assalamoalaikum! I am too suffering from primary amenorrhoea I menstruate only when I take progyluton/premarin+primolut N.. my fsh level is very very low.. plz share ur success story it gives relief & bring up my hopes
Replied on Tuesday, September 17, 2013 1:39 PM