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Pre Eclampsia / Pregnancy Induced Hypertension / Toxemia

Also known as Pregnancy Induced Hypertension or Toxemia, Pre-Eclampsia is a problem that occurs during the second half of pregnancy, in about 5pct of all pregnancies. The rapidly progressive condition is characterized by high blood pressure, swelling in the limbs or face, and protein in the urine. The high blood pressure can affect the brain, kidneys, liver, and lungs.

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1. Which doctor should I consult for the problem of hypertension during pregnancy?

You can consult a Gynaecologist.

2. Does high blood pressure mean I have pre eclampsia?

Not necessarily. In addition to high blood pressure, pre eclampsia often has two more related problems, protein in the urine and excessive swelling of the body especially lower limbs. Many women with high blood pressure during pregnancy don't have protein in their urine or extreme swelling, and don't get pre eclampsia.

3. Does swelling mean I have pre eclampsia?

Swelling alone doesn't necessarily mean you have pre eclampsia. Some swelling is normal during pregnancy. Swelling is considered serious if it doesn't go away after resting.

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