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Gastrointestinal System :
Piles / Hemorrhoids

Piles, also called hemorrhoids, are swollen and inflamed blood vessels in the rectum and anus. They are painful and they might bleed during defecation.

This online support group for people with piles will help you find solutions by networking with healthcare professionals and others who suffer from the same condition.


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Piles / Hemorrhoids

Piles are abnormally enlarged and dilated blood vessels ( mainly veins) around the back passage or anus. Piles are also known as "hemorrhoids".Hemorrhoids occur in both men and women most often between the ages of 20 and 50."Its no rare thing, for the Haemorrhoidal Veins, to be distended,...Read More

Posted on : Sunday, June 6, 2010 12:00 AM
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The conventional presentation of a person with Pile is bleeding, usually during bowel movement. The bleeding connected with Pile smears the stool or the tissue paper, while the feces are negative for blood smudges. Many cases for Piles are painless, unless there is consequent thrombosis. Moreover, even though patients may complain of blistering or prickling, the reality is that Piles do not prickle or blister. It is the anal lining which is the spot of pruritis, and is commonly the cause of bad hygiene in the region. Clinical treatment for Piles is generally based on the gravity of symptoms and level of the condition. In asymptomatic Piles, traditional treatments are commonly carried out. Bulge-forming causes, the prevention of constipation, or a traditional Sitz bath can usually eliminate the problem, or decrease the symptoms. Thus, minor degree, as asymptomatic Piles are cured in these methods. In symptomatic Piles, most doctors use infra red coalescence, or a rubber band ligation is performed. A more conventional surgical therapy, called sclerotheraphy, is not performed today.
Replied on Sunday, February 3, 2013 10:24 PM
What are the major complications of piles?
Replied on Monday, June 23, 2014 2:14 AM
i was like 26 [was suffering like hell for 3 years] when i had piles and Anal Fistula, My doc Treated it successfully Without Surgery or any thread treatment anything withing like 1 week i feel like "What is PIles? " :) but he continued my medicine for 3 months. Now even after so many year im 30 Now, i never felt any pain or burning sensations and My Fistula Tube is still there may be but i feel nothing as there pus forming tendency is no more
Replied on Saturday, June 18, 2016 1:26 AM
Ok! im getting loads of Request
Medicine is "ANOCARDO" capsules
i think iots available online also in snapdeal thanks
Replied on Tuesday, May 23, 2017 10:48 AM

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