Dear Mike, Generally and almost always 'Phimosis" , tightness of foreskin on the penis, needs a small and simple surgery done generally under local anaesthesia as an out patient. To know more about it you may visit our site and submit your E-mail id only, on the homepage. After that go to Newsletter section; U'll find a good article on Phimosis. If you need further clarification U may ask the author or me through the site itself. U'll get e reply usually within 24 hours. Best Wishes, Dr. M.Mohan Rao, Chennai.
Replied on Thursday, July 3, 2008 2:25 PM
The surgery is called circumicision. The jews do it at birth and muslims at the age of 5 to 7 yrs. some African countries also practise circumcision in young girls but this can lead to scarring of their vaginal region. an awful thing to do, about 10yrs back there were reports in English press about some Kenyan or was it ugandan girls ther having suffered due to this horrible surgery.
This is just for info of all who read this
Replied on Sunday, September 14, 2008 3:54 AM
Dr. M. Mohan Rao (or any other medical Doctor), I think I suffer from Phimosis. A small portion of my foreskin is attached to the bottom part of my 'glans'. I wish to have this problem corrected, even though I haven't experienced any particularly harmful problems because of this (I am still a virgin). In your reply to Mike, you talk of surgey to correct Phimosis. Is this surgery same as Circumcision? Also, is it in anyway risky? When I partially retract my foreskin and touch my glans, I find the area extremely sensitive and it hurts a lot. How long will it take for the glans to get used to not having the foreskin? During this period, won't it be very painful for me? Please reply.
Replied on Sunday, September 14, 2008 3:57 AM
Hello Dr.Rao (or any other medical Doctor),
My brother is in class 6th. and he is suffering from Phimosis.we had already consulted the doctor and he has asked us to go for operation.So Dr. can you please let me know the best hospitals/nursing home in India (especially in Kolkata)....
Please forward to your reply.
Replied on Thursday, January 8, 2009 5:29 PM