dear sir's my name is anirudh sharma. my mother has arthritis. what is the treatment of arthritis
Replied on Thursday, February 19, 2009 12:00 AM
If the xray shows that the bones are rubbing on each other then a joint replacement is the only option!
Replied on Monday, October 12, 2009 12:00 AM
my wife has osteoarthritis. where she can get best treatment
Replied on Tuesday, September 22, 2009 12:00 AM
tell her to approach a good physiotherapist.
Replied on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 12:00 AM
static quadriceps strengthening exercises for quadriceps and hamstrings. hot modalities
Replied on Wednesday, September 23, 2009 12:00 AM
 CHAITANYAchakravarthi (Guest)
can any one post the drugs in pipeline for the oesteoarthritis
Replied on Wednesday, December 26, 2012 5:58 AM