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Muscular Dystrophy / Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

Muscular dystrophy (MD) refers to a group of hereditary disorders which causes muscles to weaken and waste away. There is no cure for MC, but drug treatment for symptoms, therapy, and assistive technology can make a huge difference for a person with the condition.

Learn more about muscular dystrophy from doctors and other people and families dealing with the condition in this online support group for MD.


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Muscular Dystrophy – An NGO's Crusade to Help the Society

Muscular dystrophy (MD) is a group of almost thirty genetic disorders that causes progressive degeneration of our voluntary (or skeletal) muscles causing their weakness. Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is the most common form of muscular dystrophy that is caused by a ...
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Posted on : Friday, March 19, 2010 12:06 PM
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please expand your help hand to banglaore in kanrataka because my 2 sons have this problem and advise me to what to do next
Replied on Wednesday, June 9, 2010 4:21 AM
what type of ligands binds to dystrophin protein. drugs are identified by this disease, how many peoples are affected by this disease
Replied on Wednesday, July 28, 2010 2:10 AM

my nephew is suffering from mascular dystrophy since birth , how you can us.
Replied on Sunday, March 13, 2011 1:34 AM

my nephew is suffering from muscular dystrophy since birth , how you can I contact with you. I want address of your Indian help centers and their address.
Replied on Tuesday, September 13, 2011 7:35 AM
hello im DR.KHUSHBOO, im a physiotherapist and i am been working with many muscualar dystrophy patients , who have undergone stem cell therapy at neurogen brain and spine institute ,mumbai. they hav improved significantly in terms of muscle power and functionally.we are treating a 26 year dmd patient who has shown regeneration of muscle bulk and has started swallowing .
Replied on Wednesday, June 20, 2012 5:10 AM

hi this is shruti i am also suffering from muscular dystrophy wen i was 14 i noticed some difficulties in climbing stairs , getting up from chairs , before that i used to come 1st in running and dance and i am having small brother also who also suffering from muscular dysrtophy from 14 age but our physiotherapist in going on but i want to have a stem cell theray for both me and my brother
Replied on Friday, March 15, 2013 2:09 AM

Hi Dr. My brother is suffering from DMD and he is 23 years old and he is in ICU from 22 days with ventilation, some how now he can breathe properly without ventilation for 22hrs, my bother is telling that my that he can breathe properly now and he don't need ventilation, but at night time doctor used to connect ventilation, whenever i used to talk with dr they used to said that he is breathing properly for 22hrs and at night they used to connect it, if he can breathe properly than he will be shifted to pvt ward. So please suggest me that what should I do for my brother.
Replied on Wednesday, October 29, 2014 2:50 AM

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