I am Dena Rand. The wife of the Brian Rand you speak of in this article. I think it's a shame that you and other reporters that have talked with April never checked any of the facts she's said. First of all, April NEVER talked to Brian while in Iraq and he never had a relationship with her. Nor did he have one with his mother. If you listen to her, You would see how her story changes every interview she gives. The latest she is saying to the media is that my husband thought he was a vampire and stabbed a fellow soldier in the neck while in Iraq and he was haunted by an Iraqi soldier that he killed. NONE of this is true and if you had contacted me or the military you would have known this. She has gone public speaking out (for soldiers and their families). I know for fact it's all about attention.
I have every piece of paperwork from every file of his and I HOLD THE FACTS. I also believe I have a case against the VA and Military.
You people have done nothing but help April dishonor my husband in the worse way along with all the others that have passed away in similar circumstances.
You should be ashamed of yourself
Dena Rand
Replied on Wednesday, July 9, 2008 12:00 AM