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Patient Confidentiality

The rules governing doctors to maintain and uphold the privacy and confidentiality of the patient are numerous.At the same time there are guidelines stating that the doctors may disclose information when answering a higher call of duty, public health, necessity and others. These exceptions to maintaining confidentiality have come about as court rulings, guidelines etc.

Why is patient confidentiality important is the first question?


Posted on : Thursday, October 11, 2012 1:37 AM
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confidentiality is important in cases of diseases which are a taboo in society like AIDS, TB, Sexually transmitted diseases and leprosy which makes him/her social outcast.
Replied on Saturday, June 1, 2013 11:57 PM
Confidentiality is one of the paramount pillars of a Doctor Patient relationship.
Look at it like this - there is no contract that a doctor and patient sign with respect to confidentiality, but Patients routinely (in every visit) share personal information with Doctors. If the confidentiality of this information were not protected by Doctors themselves, the trust (which is the basis of the Doctor Patient relationship is ruptured. Moreover, unless personal history or information is shares, it becomes difficult for Doctors to treat patients. In this limited sense, Doctors are like lawyers. In case voluntary disclosures about the Patients treatment are not protected, patients would be less likely to share sensitive information, which could negatively impact their care.

The next question now is, What qualifies to be confidential information?

Leave you comments below.

Replied on Wednesday, February 11, 2015 1:51 AM

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