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Cancers :
Liver Cancer

Liver cancer, the abnormal growth of cells in the liver, is classified into two major categories, primary and secondary liver cancer. Primary liver cancer originates from the cells present in the liver while secondary liver cancer originates in some other region (like the colon, stomach, lung, or breast) and spreads to the liver.

For more information on the subject, its treatment options and survival rates, share and learn on Medindia’s liver cancer support group.


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1. How can I reduce the risk of contracting liver cancer?

It is a well-established fact that Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C causes liver cancer. Practicing safe sex, refraining from sharing of needles and other sharp instruments, vaccination against Hepatitis B can reduce the risk of contracting these infections and hence reduce the risk of liver cancer. It is recommended that all children be vaccinated against Hepatitis B. Staying away from alcohol can prevent the development of cirrhosis and reduce liver cancer risk.

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