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Klinefelter's Syndrome

Klinefelter’s syndrome is a condition in which men have an extra X chromosome in most of their cells – an XXY pattern instead of the normal XY pattern that most men have. Boys with the XXY-condition tend to have language problems and lesser muscle tone than other boys, and they tend to have trouble fitting in. But as adults, most of them lead normal, successful lives.

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Klinefelter's Syndrome

Klinefelter's Syndrome is the most frequent sex chromosomal genetic disorder and is caused by the presence of an extra X chromosomeKlinefelter Syndrome (KS), like Turner's Syndrome, is a sex chromosomal disorder and was described and named after the physician who described it....Read More

Posted on : Sunday, July 19, 2009 12:00 AM
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I am looking for a clinical psychologist who deals with KS adolescence in central Illinois...If you know of a GOOD one please contact me at jnacke@consolidatednet. thank you!
Replied on Wednesday, July 27, 2011 6:44 AM
As a Klinefelter-adult [prognose when I was 53] I use now every 12 weeks a Testosteron injection of 'Nebido' from Bayer Pharma Germany in Europe. It's 1 ampule is 4ml liquid, 4ml is 1000mg Testosteron-undecanoat. I'm bedridden with CRPS (feet), AD(H)D, Esophagus Spasmes (Areopagus)..... And I cannot fall asleep, I sleep maybe 10-14 hours a week, the rest of the week I'm awake. So all other medication was nothing in bed. With the 'Sustanon'-injections (1ml=250mg) I had too many ups and downs and only on the highest level (in a period) I had a well feeling but that was for me too short. The 'Nebido' injections give me a steady/balanced feeling and is for me okay. The price for 3 ampules is: €562,74. I hope ypu can read my school/holiday-English well. From the Netherlands I say hello. Below each written message I write this signature: ~I'm open, honest and sincere to myself and to others....! ~
Replied on Monday, October 17, 2011 2:06 PM
hy im maynk sharma from INDIA. im 21 ye old ,i have just recently noticed that i m having some kind of breast development and my body is shaping into likely to girls ,im a student of msc, i want to make my life but this is giving me trouble,, what should i do and where should i go .. to avoid these symptoms.
Replied on Monday, May 7, 2012 4:13 AM
hy im digvijay singh from Rajasthan, INDIA. im 22 ye old ,i have just recently noticed that i m having some kind of breast development and my body is shaping into likely to girls ,im a student of b.tech, i want to make my life but this is giving me trouble,, what should i do and where should i go .. to avoid these symptoms.
Replied on Wednesday, May 30, 2012 12:19 AM
dude did u get solution for this? i'm also suffering from the same plz help me too
Replied on Monday, June 25, 2012 3:08 AM
I have only recently learned of KS. I have a 17 y/o son who exhibits many of the physical characteristics. Please help me if you know of a specialist in the Houston area who can assist.
Replied on Tuesday, June 26, 2012 9:42 PM

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