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Kidney Transplantation

Kidney transplantation places a healthy kidney from a living or diseased donor into the body of a person with end-stage kidney failure. It is one of the most common transplantation operations, and can help a person with kidney failure live much as he did before his kidneys failed.

If you or a friend or family member is considering a kidney transplantation, join our online support group for more information about this procedure and to contact people who can help.


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details of kidney trnsplant

hello. I would like to know details regarding kidney transplantation. Do we need to arrage the donors or is there a kidney bank? Do we need to pay for the kidney? I would like to donate one kidney. What repercussions will this result in? Will it affect my health adversely?

Posted on : Thursday, July 3, 2008 7:39 AM
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Well, I understand if you want to donate a kidney, you have to either ind someone needing it or you could call and ask in an hospital. I'm sure some people have to pay for a kidney, but most normal people can't afford it. In addition, one has to go through some test to see if they are eligible to give a kidney. It is also vital that you have to be in good health, a non smoker, and pretty much a non/occasional drinker, If you wish to donate your kidney what blood type are you?
Replied on Tuesday, August 18, 2009 10:05 PM
Transplantation does not cause any complications to the Donor. It is as good as giving blood and any other organ. However it has become too commercial and most of the donors do it for money!!! However I support donors who help to give the recepient a normal life. It is always best to have a direct approach with the patient and a qualified Nephrlogist for this purpose.
Replied on Monday, October 5, 2009 12:26 AM

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