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Endocrine System :
Hypothyroidism / Myxoedema

Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the body lacks sufficient thyroid hormone called thyroxine. In its most profound form, severe hypothyroidism may lead to a life-threatening coma (myxoedema coma).The condition is more common in women than in men, and its incidence increases with age.

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Asked By : pawanmisra.2008

Asked on : 06 Jun 2012   

my father is 48 old and he recently meet with thyroid problem(low TSH). I jst want to know how much serios is this problem? is it fully curable? What precautions should he take? Thanks for your help.

Asked By : lovemykids

Asked on : 08 Mar 2012   

I have hypothyroidism and have had it for 8 years. It is very mild usually a tsh of 4. During my ivf procedure it went up to 6 due to the hormones etc. I became pregnant but still had a high tsh. The doctor told me we need to bring it down and fast. I was taking 100 micrograms of eltroxin and the doctor raised me over a month to 225. My tsh went down but to .26. The doctor cut me by 50 micrograms. I went for a tsh test and t3 and t4 are still fine but my tsh was even lower .067 I am living overseas where there is a lot incompetency with doctors here. I had to find a lab that was giving accurate results because a lot of the labs use old machines and couldn't even give me an accurate tsh reading. Its really sad. The current tsh numbers I have are accurate after careful investigation. What should i do now. Should I cut the medicine i am taking altogether and then go for a tsh test and then start taking eltroxin again if my tsh goes high or should i just reduce my dosage and to what? thank you. i am pregnant and would like to save my baby.

Asked By : Neduvakattu

Asked on : 07 Jan 2012   

IAm aged 40 diagnosed Hypothyroidism 1989-90 when student BSC daily prescribed for Eltroxin tablets Kindly advise for alternative treatment food habits & lifestyle regds & Best wishes for New year

Asked By : roman0828

Asked on : 11 Aug 2011   

'm a healthy 46 yr old woman. average height and weight, non smoker, no biological childern. I am on no other meds excect Levothroxine 200mcgs. I have had hasimoto's disease ( hypo thyroid) for 20 years. Has been under control with meds levothyroxine. I have had it checked via blood test regularly. however last year my test was slightly abnormal (TSH 15.8 and Thyoxine (T4) 15.8, T3 28, free thyroxine index 4.4. This test was preformed on 01/01/2010. I continued to take levothroxine 200mcg ( which I have been taking for years and all proir blood test were normal). My blood test on 08/08/2011 showed TSH .130, thyroxine (T4) 14.2, T3 uptake 30, free thyroxine index 4.3. I have NO symptoms. I feel great. :) what are your recommendations. thanks

Asked By : roman0828

Asked on : 11 Aug 2011   

I'm a healthy 46 yr old woman. average height and weight, non smoker, no biological childern. I am on no other meds excect Levothroxine 200mcgs. I have had hasimoto's disease ( hypo thyroid) for 20 years. Has been under control with meds levothyroxine. I have had it checked via blood test regularly. however last year my test was slightly abnormal (TSH 15.8 and Thyoxine (T4) 15.8, T3 28, free thyroxine index 4.4. This test was preformed on 01/01/2010. I continued to take levothroxine 200mcg ( which I have been taking for years and all proir blood test were normal). My blood test on 08/08/2011 showed TSH .130, thyroxine (T4) 14.2, T3 uptake 30, free thyroxine index 4.3. I have NO symptoms. I feel great. :) what is your recommendations on the change of dosage of medicine and any other recommendations. thanks

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