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Hypersomnia / Excessive Sleepiness Disorder / Idiopathic Hypersomnia

Hypersomnia is feeling sleepy throughout the day or sleeping too long at night and having trouble waking up. People with hypersomnia may fall asleep at inappropriate times, for example, at work. Hypersomnia happens sometimes because nighttime sleep is disturbed because of sleep apnea, but it can also have other causes.

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I have suffered from excessive and heavy sleeping all of my adolescent and early adult years. I now have two young children and it's interfering with my parenting. How can I tell if I have a sleep disorder?

Posted on : Wednesday, February 10, 2010 2:36 AM
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Excessive and heavy sleeping, which is interfering with parenting, suggests that you may have hypersomnia. We define hypersomnia as excessive daytime sleepiness (with compulsion to take naps) or prolonged nightime sleep for most days of the week.
Please remember that hypersomnia is usually a symptom of an underlying illness e.g Depression, Chronic fatigue syndrome or medication withdrawal.

You may wish to clarify whether you have narcolepsy. This presents with excessive daytime sleepiness and may be associated with sleep attacks. Another explanation may be sleep apnea where daytime sleepiness is due to lack of proper night time sleep.
If you provide further details of the duration and quality of your sleep, along with any other symptom, a diagnosis may be easier. Kindly also provide your age, sex, height and weight.

Hope this is useful.
Replied on Wednesday, February 10, 2010 10:19 AM
I am a 21 year old female. I am currently on Zoloft for depression. The sleeping problem started when I was twelve and has continued since then. I am able to easily sleep for 20 hours out of the day. I never feel like I'm not sleepy, there is no relief. I have even fallen asleep while at the dentist's chair! I have no history of narcolepsy however and no other symptoms of a thyroid problem. I would normally take two naps everyday and sleep 10-11 hours at night. I sleep very heavily and cannot hear my children if they awaken. It is very difficult to awaken me in the mornings and usually my husband or children have to wake me for at least one hour, before I actually wake up. This is causing major problems with my husband and in my role as a mother.
Replied on Wednesday, February 10, 2010 1:39 PM
Excessive sleep is due to inadequate functioning of the 'Sadhak pitta', which controls self-awareness and alertness in a person.
While falling asleep, this pitta withdraws its effect and allows the Sense Organs (Indriyas) to 'fold up' and then kapha takes over and allows sleep to happen.
Perhaps therefore, stimulating and enhancing the effect of this pitta with suitable herbs might help.
Replied on Sunday, February 14, 2010 8:02 PM

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