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Vision Center :
Hyperopia / Long Sightedness

Hyperopia or longsightedness is the inability of the eye to focus clearly on objects that are close to it. A person with hyperopia can only see things that are far away clearly. This defect can be corrected with contact lens and glasses.

Join our online support group for people with hyperopia and their doctors to learn more about this vision disorder.


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1. Which specialist should I see if I have Hyperopia?

You should consult an Ophthalmologist.

2. What are the risks of LASIK?

Complications are rare, but may include: Over or under correction Corneal flap problems Infections Irregularities on the cornea Glare or halo effect Difficulty wearing contact lenses

3. How long does the procedure take?

You will be in the procedure room for about fifteen to twenty minutes. The surgery takes approximately 5 minutes for each eye.

4. How quickly will my vision improve?

In most cases, patients experience significant visual improvement in a matter of hours. However, during the healing period, you may experience temporary glare symptoms such as arcs or haloes around lights, starbursts and ghost images. These symptoms are quite common after LASIK and usually resolve in a matter of weeks to months.

5. How soon may I return to work?

Some people are able to return to work the next day; most could return two days after surgery.

6. How is CLR different for cataract surgery?

CLR is virtually the same procedure as cataract surgery but the eye's natural lens is clear instead of a cloudy cataract.

7. How Does AK Work?

In an eye with astigmatism, the curvature of the front surface of the eye, or cornea is such that when light rays enter the eye, two or more points of focus result. In persons who have astigmatism, both near and far away images will appear blurred. In addition, it is very common for persons who are nearsighted or farsighted to have some amount of astigmatism present in their cornea. To correct astigmatism, the surgeon makes transverse incisions in the irregularly shaped areas of the outside of the cornea (illustrated by the white lines in the above graphic). This makes the cornea more spherical in shape, thereby reducing or eliminating this distortion. Although the AK procedure can be performed independent of other refractive procedures, many times the surgeon will correct a patient's astigmatism while also correcting their shortsightedness or Long sightedness.

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