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A hydrocele is the accumulation of serous body fluids in any body cavity. A hydrocele testis, in which fluids accumulate around a testicle, is a common condition.

This online group on hydroceles will help you get more information about the condition and how to treat it, from professionals and other people who have dealt with it.


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Hydrocele is a collection of fluid around the testicle. Small hydroceles tend to disappear while larger hydroceles may persist and warrant surgery. Synonyms and Related Terms: Filarial hydrocele, defect in tunica vaginalis of scrotum, communicating hydrocele, congenital hydrocele,...Read More

Posted on : Tuesday, December 9, 2008 12:00 AM
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Had left hydrocele op done in june under a local..So so glad i did it, What a huge weight off my mind..had spent two years thinking the worst :[..Great surgeon put me at ease op lasted 45mins had lords procedure..A bit sore and bruised afterwards but back on my feet next day.....One word of warning !!! on operating tables you have a very large mirror above you to enhance the light..DO NOT LOOK IN IT(as i did] As you will see things a man should never see :)..The surgeon will remove your testicles from your scrotum for examination( I looked up and saw my exposed testicles in the surgeons hands..somewhat unnerving..yet painless)...On the plus side this examination is recorded and upon discharge same day you receive a piece of paper saying TESTICLES NORMAL..And those two words make you want to jump with joy...Go for it :)
Replied on Thursday, July 28, 2011 4:33 AM
how much could it cost please for the surgery ? please mail me on teddhenry4u@yahoo.com
Replied on Thursday, August 4, 2011 12:55 PM

dear babster i have hydrocele on my left testicle, about the size of a very large apple, my surgery is on august 2nd and I will tate rour advice , unless the doctor totally puts me under thanks
Replied on Monday, August 1, 2011 9:32 PM
I am to undergoe a 'LORD'S PROCEDURE',for a left side Hydrocele in October. It appears to be connected with the Hernia, which was repaired for the second time a few months ago. I wonder if it is worth all the discomfort that the various comments mention. It not life threatening, only mildly uncomfortable and mainly a nuisamce. I am 74, but in good health.
Replied on Sunday, August 28, 2011 3:22 PM
I had a Lord's Procedure last Thursday.
Amazingly, NO PAIN just slight discomfort from bruising and suitures. Thoroughly Recomend It!!! EVERYTHING! already back to normal as well!!!
Replied on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 11:16 AM
Thank you for posting! My dad is 73 and we're going tomorrow to get his hydrocele looked at. He had 2 hernia surgeries back in July and now this. He's feeling pretty low, but I keep trying to find stories from people his age who have had it done and feel better. :]
Replied on Wednesday, October 26, 2011 3:27 PM
to which doctor u have shown, is really u r scrotal in normal position. actually i am suffering from 1 and half year, there is no pain but size matters.
Replied on Sunday, January 22, 2012 10:29 PM

The Doctor has recommended the removal of the one testicle explaining that there is a lot LESS post op pain, no swelling, less risk of infection vs performing the Hydrocele surgery-Removal does not impact sex, or prevent sex however concerned because the most common procedure appears to be the Jaboulay procedure which sounds like lots of pain, bruising and swelling-Why go through that if recovery is less for the removal of the testicle-Age 68 great health! Any one out there getting this recommendation for hydrocele?
Replied on Monday, August 29, 2011 10:51 PM
Astonished the doctor wishes to remove a perfectly healthy testicle, I had Lords with Jaboulay and as i stated in a previous post the post op pain isn't really significant and is eased with painkillers and a warm bath. Yes there is some swelling but after three days i was back at work feeling fine..I think we are guilty on these discussions of painting a more severe picture of the minor op than it really is...have the op but keep the testicle would be my advice...all the best
Replied on Tuesday, August 30, 2011 8:21 AM

Im a 19yr old male that just had a hydrocele ectomy. My Dr. placed a drain tube in the incision that will be removed friday. Other than slight pain and discomfort the recovery isnt awful as of so far. My only real issue is I cant eat or drink so far. Keeping liquids down is nearly impossible as of right now. Any tips on how to get over the nausea? Also when a hydrocele ruptures is there alot of pain involved? I had increase of pain and swelling a few weeks back, im just curious if that was caused by the rupture.
Replied on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 3:47 AM

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