Hi How long does it take to recover after Hydrocil surgery
Replied on Monday, May 30, 2011 5:21 AM
 icaka (Guest)
i have been operated from tis hydrocele and after it everyything was ok but when the righ ball was bigger than the left the scrotum bag was stretched and now there is a skin that is hanging granted. what should i do how can this skin dissapear or constrict
Replied on Thursday, June 2, 2011 1:43 AM
 gtrzanman (Guest)
I had surgery for two hydrocele's a month ago. They also removed a cyst from the left side and a mole they were worried about. I was sliced and diced pretty thoroughly. The right side was big before surgery, but the left was not really noticeable or bothering to me, but it did also have the cyst to be removed. Now here is my issue;
Post surgery I was bruised up bad. Pain was not horrid but obviously no picnic. Swelling was significant. At the two week point before I went in for my post op exam I called the clinic worried about swelling. It was getting larger and uncomfortable. They assured me this was normal, especially so because I had so much done at once. A week later I had the post op exam and got the same explaination as to the swelling. Well here I am at one month and 2 days post op and the swelling not only never went down, it is in fact larger than ever and rubbery hard. The entire scrotal area is numb with no sensation. My right side looks just like the big hydrocele did before surgery but is hard now. The left side, where it wasn't even noticeable to me before surgery, is HUGE now. It is abnormally positioned up high, larger than a tennis ball, hard, and starting to hurt. Discomfort level is rising. I am scheduled to see the surgeon in a week and a half for follow up as planned. That said I didn't think I should wait that long; this amount of swelling doesn't seem right. Well I had to go to the ER because the clinic was closed Friday and the nurse I spoke with Thursday did not want me to wait. So I go in and they do an ultrasound. I had been there 4 1/2 hours mind you to get to this point, and still hadn't seen a doctor. After the ultrasound they told me it would be 3 more hours before I would see a doctor. ER was busy. I was beat tired and had to go. No way I could sit another 3 hours. So they call me this afternoon and wanted me back up at ER to talk to the doctor. The nurse said I wouldn't have to wait and she would make arrangement for that etc.. Well fat chance; I sat there THREE HOURS again, and went home royally PO'd at the place. Obviously its not an emergency situation or I am sure they would have said something or admitted me. Any idea what the heck is going on with all this insane swelling still after an entire month? HELP!!! [PS; Tests were all neg. for cancer etc..]
Replied on Saturday, July 23, 2011 2:26 AM
7-20-2011 - had my right hydrocele taken care of. Still recovering. Not taking pain pills, but am taking Cipro. Swelling, brusing, loss of work / wages.... I'm scheduled to go back to work on 7-30-2011. Don't know if I'll be able to make it - resting daily at home on my bed most of the time. Write if you want to: changedforever@onmyfacebeforehim.com
Replied on Monday, July 25, 2011 3:57 AM
Update: Last night was finally able to sleep without a pillow between my legs to keep pressure of the incision area - nice night of rest - finally! Actually when talking about swelling - the hydrocele area is now smaller than the other area!!
Replied on Tuesday, July 26, 2011 6:18 AM