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A hydrocele is the accumulation of serous body fluids in any body cavity. A hydrocele testis, in which fluids accumulate around a testicle, is a common condition.

This online group on hydroceles will help you get more information about the condition and how to treat it, from professionals and other people who have dealt with it.


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Hydrocele is a collection of fluid around the testicle. Small hydroceles tend to disappear while larger hydroceles may persist and warrant surgery. Synonyms and Related Terms: Filarial hydrocele, defect in tunica vaginalis of scrotum, communicating hydrocele, congenital hydrocele,...Read More

Posted on : Tuesday, December 9, 2008 12:00 AM
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Since, here cases have beeen discussed where hydrocele is large enough but i have a solution provider for hydrocele which has started building. One can go for accupressure therapy. It is completely safe and painless. And most important is without any surgery.
My baby had this problem who is just four years . I consulted many doctors and every one was just suggesting for operation but i came to know from some body that one guy is having experience in treating this problem. I went to him and he just took two minutes to press somewhere in middle part below knee and ankle from the back side. I was surprized to see the effect in next 3-4 days only, as it has started vanishing. After a week, i again met him and again same process have been followed and now my kid is fine. He enjoys his day to day work.
One more important thing here is, it was just FREE of COST.
There is a place in outskirts of delhi called Ladpur next to Kanjhawla and here one can easily find Mr. Fauji [Popularly known].
I'll surely recommend people who can go there and get benefitted.
Replied on Sunday, July 13, 2014 9:57 PM

Is it possible to get the full address or phone no of Mr Fauji. i will be interested .
Replied on Tuesday, January 13, 2015 5:18 AM

I had undergone hydrocephalus operation. Once again the sac is full and it is bulky. What is the next course of action
Replied on Monday, July 14, 2014 11:14 AM

I had a large right hydrocele for over 10 years. When in the US, I was advised by my Urologist to undergo the surgery. However, due to work and other common human excuses, I kept putting off. Now I'm back in India and my Urologist here suggested to get it done ASAP. I underwent the surgery on Jan 31, 2015. Since I am a kidney and urinary track patient by birth [have already undergone 9 major surgeries], I was not given General Anesthesia because of high Serum Creatinine. I was given a Regional one in my Spine. A bit painful while being injected, but no lower body feeling after that. My surgery lasted almost an hour because my hydrocele was large and had become think and infected as it was present for a long time. They had to remove a lot of tissue. I was stitched up and sent to my room in the hospital. Since I had been given a Regional Anesthesia, I had a Catheter being inserted in me as the doc said that with a Spinal anesthesia, my bladder movements and sensations will be impacted. I understand this is usually an OPD procedure, but I was in the hospital for a full 2 days. My catheter came out on the next day of surgery. It was painful and very uncomfortable. I was able to urinate fine post it coming out. It's day 3 now and I'm home. Doc took off the tight heavy dressing in the morning. All I have now is a lot of Neosporin and a thick surgical gauze. Been advised to wear tight scrotal support for a month at least. The size of my scrotum is definitely smaller than original, but it's still swollen. Doc said it is normal and the size should return to normal in a month or 2.
Replied on Monday, February 2, 2015 8:46 AM

I had hydrocele surgery three days ago and the doctor scheduled me to have the drain removed Wednesday which will be eight days after the drain was put in. I am worried about waiting so long to remove it. I cut the stitch holding it to my skin and pulled on it and it would not move outward more than an inch or so. It seems that it had attached itself to my insides. This cause much pain and it is only day 3 after surgery. Question is will the area be deaden with a novacaine type med before they try to take it out?
Replied on Friday, May 29, 2015 6:51 AM

Has anyone has any effectiveness with natural treatments?
Replied on Thursday, October 26, 2017 12:42 AM

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