 maninraleigh1 (Guest)
Is anyone able to tell me how much cost took for hydrocele surgery? I know it depends on hopital and insurance.
But I just know to know approximate cost of it.
Replied on Wednesday, January 9, 2013 3:27 PM
 AmazeBalls (Guest)
I had a right hydrocyle repair on the 5th and could walk relatively easily a couple days afterwards! since then its got a lot more painful as i cant even stand without being in agony! swellings pretty excessive too! Just wondering if this is normal n how long until i get better? been bedbound for days
Replied on Monday, February 11, 2013 9:49 AM
 bu113tproof (Guest)
I, bu113tproof, just had surgury on my testicular hydrocele [left testicle] 6 days ago. the hydrocele (testicle) originally was triple the size of the right testicle prior to surgury. Well after surgury I went home and rested for 4 days and gradually my scrotum turned dark purple ( blue black ) and swelled to the size of a grapefruit. So my entire scrotum is bluish black and the shaft of my penis is also bluish black; leaving only the head of my penis white ( caucasian fleshtone ). I originally ripped up the prescriptions for Vicodin 500 but realized days later that this was a mistake ( get the pain meds ). I am an addict currently on methadone and I was trying to avoid the pain meds if possible but sometimes they are needed. 6 months ago I started a relationship with a woman and wanted to look cosmetically good for her, I was embarrassed when I took off my clothes and she would see the left testicle that was triple normal size. This, SHE, was the main reason that I had the surgury done. I wanted to look as appealing as possible to her in bed, not a guy with a freakishly large testicle..so I went under the knife. Yesterday,5 days after surgury , I went to my Dr.'s office to get new prescriptions and to have him take a look at the swelling. I was scared because it was so swollen and purple, I was worried about an infection or something else could be wrong...that is why I went to his office. He is telling me to come in again next week (wednesday) so he can check on me..He said there will be swelling and it should ALL be gone in three months....THREE MONTHS...ugh. I hope it goes down some because I really want to make love with my girlfriend , but I will not until I look somewhat normal down there. She and I made love daily in one way or another...but the first 4 days after the surgury we did not do anything and it was very difficult for me to mentally deal with. I have found that the mental, psychological effects after the surgury are the most difficult thing to deal with especially being in a loving relationship. It is hard being a man and not being able to satisfy my womans needs, I do other things for her, but it is still mentally stressful to me to not be able to make love. Hopefully the swelling will abate and our relationship will return once again have that all important sexual aspect to it again.
Replied on Tuesday, February 12, 2013 12:00 PM
I had the hydrocele repair surgery on my right testicle on 03/25/2013. I had been living with the condition for about two years, going to the urologist every three months to have it drained. It would get to be about the size of orange by the time I would have it drained. I finally decided to take the advice of the doctor and have the condition resolved for good. I was told that I would most likely have similar swelling after the suregey and this would take up to two months to go away. The surgery took about one hour under general anesthesia and i awoke about two hours later. No trouble with the first pee and was sent home and told to use ice take the pain meds as needed and see the doc in 2 weeks. That first day I felt pretty good and thought if this is the worst no problem. By the end of the second day, my scrotum had swelled to the size of a cantaloupe - approx. 20 inches in diameter and as a deep purple. Thinking this is way outside what I was told to expect I went to see the doc that day. He takes one quick look and say this is normal go home. 8 days after the surgery, I started draining a considerable abount of dark purple blood out of the incision line. I call the doc he says nothing to be done about it now so come see me in a month. It's now 17 days after surgery, the swelling has gone down some but is still very large, a few of the stitches have pulled out and I now have an open wound the size of a quarter that drains the dark blood. I've requested my records to be sent to a new urologist.
Replied on Thursday, April 11, 2013 11:38 AM
hi could you update on your improvement...and advise how far is surgery best even I too suffering from Hydrocele..planning to go for surgery..kindly advise
Replied on Tuesday, April 16, 2013 8:16 AM
 vanessar (Guest)
my husband is 16 days into the same surgery n his stitches have came undone and a streem of blood is running. You describe it exactly how his is. Appointment not till a week away. Do it ever stop bleeding and what type of bandage did you use? It soaks everything.
Replied on Wednesday, September 18, 2013 11:23 PM
hi could any one advise who went on surgery and feeling better now. are there any side effects which affects the below things after surgery...
1. sex life with the partner
2. can we go for Gym after surgery
3. will the size really reduces and feels like normal as before with out any pain..
will be greatful if any one advises on the above
Replied on Tuesday, April 16, 2013 8:23 AM
Hi Sweet26,
Life will go on as usual after a few days of rest and right medication. Go for regular checkups too. Go to gym and other activities only after consulting your doctor.
Replied on Sunday, September 22, 2013 2:20 AM