Dear Dr.
You are doing great work and thanks and kudos. Since long I am interested in alternative medicine and will know now hopefully know more and more. I myself have used some homeopathy medicines and some herbal medicines with good results.
Replied on Thursday, March 4, 2010 12:34 PM
Dear Drsuresh1,
I have paid a lot of attention to the Vaids (local Healers using the traditional medicines) and sometimes they have useful remedies, too.
These are being studied on a scientific level by our Indian Govt, in a few areas with the help of NGO's, through clinical evaluation and lab studies, at various places.
However, a greater interest in herbal remedies and their uses is required, esp in the medical fraternity itself, to speed up the Govt's work in this field.
Are there any clinical trials taking place in your area? If yes, I'd like to know whatever information you can give, about them.
One good step the Govt has taken (at least, the Maharashtra Govt) is it has created a branch of AYUSH in all District level hospitals, so that patients can avail of free treatment in these Disciplines in a Govt-run hospital.
This trend needs to be encouraged and supported!
Replied on Thursday, March 4, 2010 7:54 PM
dear Dr.
I have no idea on clinical trials on Ayurvedic medicines in Ahmedabad as there are very few Ayurvedic government hospitals offering free treatment.
Replied on Sunday, March 7, 2010 9:02 AM
Though herbal remedies have served the mankind for generation its relevance has been lost coz of better and faster medication of allopathy. The reason for a drastic decline in herbal medication is tat the studies where not carried out and clinical trails if any were corrupt.Manufacturers are only intrested in selling and there has been no R&D as in allopathy. Herbal remedies hold a great future only if the medical fraternity,manufacturers & Govt comes togther or the vaid ll carry his secerets to his grave.
Replied on Wednesday, April 7, 2010 4:10 AM
 mitamajumdar (Guest)
Hi enthuguy, you're absolutely right. Its not the fault of herbs that the medical fraternity and the govt is not conducting any clinical trials on herbal remedies. Which Indian doesn't know the benefits of tulsi and neem and hundreds of other herbs?
Replied on Sunday, December 12, 2010 6:20 AM
Most pharmaceutical companies invest in chemical drugs because they are more profitable!
Replied on Monday, October 17, 2016 7:16 AM