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Infectious Diseases :
Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a liver disease caused by the hepatitis B virus. Some forms of hepatitis B are mild and last a few weeks – others are chronic and can lead to liver cancer or cirrhosis and death. The virus is transmitted through the exchange of body fluids – through sex, sharing infected needles, or by an infected mother to her baby.

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1. How can I prevent myself from aquiring Hepatitis B?

You can protect yourself against hepatitis B with a safe and effective vaccine. To be fully protected three injections are required; day 0 - 1st injection day 30 - 2nd injection day 180 - 3rd injection

2. Who is a carrier?

An Hepatitis B virus carrier is someone who has had hepatitis B in their blood for more than six months. A carrier usually has no signs or symptoms of Hepatitis B virus but remains infected with the virus for years or for a lifetime and is capable of passing the disease on to others.

3. If I have Jaundice or Hepatitis which doctor is best suited to treat me?

Usually a general practitioner will treat hepatitis however,some physicians have a special interest and may help with treating the case.

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