Mismanagement - theft - corruption - theft - mismanagement corruption as far as the eye can see Africa is in big danger due to nursing mismanagement because of their full incompetents and unnecessary attitudes aside from that is the massive corruption of their government. Therefore I strongly conclude that the should South African Nursing Council should not be blame but rather the stupidity of the people and the government who are responsible for all these mess.Yes, these things occur all over the world but in Goonland it appears to be the rule instead of the exception. And now the blithering ANC fools really believe that a society with such feeble mindedness can actually farm and produce food! As soon as the farms are taken over by the goons expect to see famine, just like the rest of African land government for help.
Replied on Thursday, July 6, 2006 12:00 AM
South Africa is facing the problems that is faced by many developing countries. Nurses are drawn to the first world by salaries. Many qualified nurses have been scooped up by the middle east, and the first world. People today are chasing the mighty dollar and the only thing South Africa can do is to pay the first world salaries in a third world country, this will be very difficult. During apartheid there were no companies signing up nurses and giving them bonuses just for signing up, and scooping them to the first world. But that is what living in freedom means! This is happening in education as well. So, do not blame the South African Nursing Council, blame freedom! One thing I believe the government can do is to take standard 8 students and teach them basic things like taking blood pressure, temperature and other basic things like administrative work and first aid. This is done in other countries and students can take 6 weeks course to do that. This will free nurses to do more serious things!
Replied on Thursday, July 6, 2006 12:00 AM