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Healthcare Industry and Policy :

The healthcare industry is always growing: there are always sick or injured people among us, and we always need doctors, nurses and paramedics. A healthcare industry shaped by a wise healthcare policy can be very effective, as shown by the increase in the average lifespan for people in prosperous countries today: from 40s in the end of the last century, to the 70s now.

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Tax Benefits for NGO/ charities in India


Intersting piece for charities in India


Donations for charitable purposes attract tax benefits. If you give to a charitable organisation, not only is your donation exempt from Income Tax in the hands of the organisation, but you can earn a tax deduction too.  For this, the organisation must be certified under 80-G or have projects approved under various sections of the regulations which offer tax benefits to donors.


Your donations to organisations that have the following tax exemption certifications are eligible for tax benefits :

  • 80 G: 50% of your donation can be set off against from your taxable income.

  • 35AC : 100% deduction can be claimed for donation for certain projects approved under this section.

  • 35(1)(iii) : NGOs engaged in research in social sciences can be approved for tax exemption under this section. People who have business or professional income can claim 125% deduction of their donation and others can claim 100%.  This deduction will be withdrawn after 31 March 2005.

  • 35CCB : NGOs engaged in conservation of natural resources and aforestation are given approval under this. 100% deduction may be claimed by donors.

  If u find this intersting send it to the charities/NGO u know.



Posted on : Saturday, September 20, 2008 11:37 AM
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A Non Religious NGO of proven track record is expecting Donations Worldwide for its pretigious & geniune Project costing above Rs. 100 Cr.
This Project is DEDICATED for the Service of Humanity, Protection & Upgradation of Mother-Nature.
Humanity is our Religion and we exist for the poor and downtroddens.
We are eligible to accept donations under FCRA & u/s 35AC, 35CCB & 80(g) of IT ACT 1961.
Commercialised Donors expecting huge paybacks stayaway please :- 09815480360 (s.amrinder@gmail.com)
Replied on Tuesday, October 21, 2008 11:27 AM

A Non Religious NGO of proven track record is expecting Donations Worldwide for its pretigious & geniune research Project costing above Rs. 15 Cr.
This Project is DEDICATED for the researches in the field of astrology, palmistry, numerology, vastu and allied subjects.
We are eligible to accept donations under FCRA & u/s 35AC, & 80(g) of IT ACT 1961.
Commercialised Donors expecting huge paybacks stayaway please :- 09350508000 (mail@futurepointindia.com)
Replied on Sunday, November 2, 2008 6:41 AM

Just visit


or http://www.consultantaid.com  to the TAX EXEMPTION DETAILS FOR THE NGOs  you please click FCRA link to know more about 80G sector , 35 ac, 35 ac(1&2) (1&3) and the above pages are much more informative for NGOs.

DONORs ARE BENEFITED HERE:http://www.geocities.com/ngofunds


Thanking you,

smsastha (ngocontact@yahoo.com) and admin@consultantaid.com




Replied on Tuesday, December 2, 2008 9:42 AM

This is a wonderful opinion. The things mentioned are unanimous and needs to be appreciated by everyone.

Replied on Monday, April 20, 2009 1:48 AM

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