 asdfef (Guest)
i had an a health cover ,it expired.got a new one.the corporate accountone.got an eye problem.recession hit.lost job.went in for a new health card.after toiling a lot.this is finally what the insurance agent had to tell me i'll cover all of you except the eye. One of the most funniest and amusing rule they have that for any pre-existing disease or related disease you can not claim any reimbursement.
then somebody tell me what the hell is the insurance for.this happens here in dubai.
Replied on Sunday, January 16, 2011 5:44 AM
Virar [Mumbai]'s Child Specialist Dr. Hemant Joshi's request:
Needed: Stand alone health insurance for children.
In India 20 000 children die daily.
Hospitalization can same them.
So they need health insurance most.
A child below five years in most vulnerable in a family.
If a family can afford medical insurance for only one member they must insure the below 5 years child, especially the below 1 year child.
Do we have a stand alone health insurance policy for children? No.
Please create one. Make it affordable. Keep the lowest premium slab as small as possible.
Suppose a family can pay Rs. 100 for insurance, take it give his baby a cover of an amount which is say 25 to 50 times the amount he pays ( You will be able to calculate this figure with your wisdom). A better of family can pay a premium of 1000 and can buy higher insurance.
Highest number of these die on 1st day of life and about 30% die in 1st week of life.
Lesson: Insuring the baby before birth is most important.
These policies will reduce child deaths.TYhis is a very good service to the nation.
If you can create a policy like this I will help you to reach India's 17000 pediatricians who are members of Indian Academy of Paediatrics and request them to promote this policy.
15 March was world consumer rights day.
Child consumers demand independent mediclaim cover from birth to 18 year.
Good business opportunity. Will you Take it before some one else does?
On behalf of child consumer
Dr. Hemant Joshi
mo.0 98 232 81 447
Replied on Wednesday, March 16, 2011 10:54 AM
Hey great list!! thanks for putting them together :]
Replied on Thursday, August 18, 2011 5:05 AM
does any insurance cover pregnancy cost.ie checkups n delivery expenditures.
Replied on Sunday, December 11, 2011 11:51 PM
Replied on Sunday, January 8, 2012 4:21 AM