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Headache / Cephalgia

Headache, or cephalgia, is literally an ache in the head. Headaches are a common complaint, and are usually a symptom of other problems – ranging from fatigue, stress, eyestrain, sleep deprivation, alcohol consumption, dehydration, and infections, to tumors in the brain. Persistent headaches need to be investigated by a doctor.

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Pain Management Center in Chennai - Q&A on Treating Pain

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Posted on : Wednesday, October 19, 2011 10:21 AM
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As a busy and successful interventional pain specialist, I see a lot of back and neck pain, some acute, some chronic. I have seen numerous patients that fall through the cracks in our health care system. Many patients' treatments are often delayed because of improper referrals or improper treatment. I don't think there is enough education in the medical community as well as in the general public in regards to the minimally invasive treatments that exist. Many of the ailments described in the aforementioned could easily be treated by some of the methods I use in my practice daily with great success. I have come to the conclusion that interventionalists, like myself, should be the 'gate keepers' in the realm of pain. Patients should come to us with their pain issues and we should be the ones to direct their appropriate course of treatment. Surgeons typically want to 'cut', physical therapists want to improve range of motion and chiropractors typically want to manipulate. All these treatments are useful when it's appropriate. An interventionalist has the tools and knowledge to guide the patient in the best treatment that is the most efficient and offers the best results. I have seen too many patients get passed along and are in pain for months before coming to see me, not to mention waste valuable health care dollars and resources. This has to end. Randy Huggins Pharmaspider.com
Replied on Wednesday, October 19, 2011 10:21 AM
Hello, I just hopped on here today and after reading your post, I went to paindiagnostics ass. online and then to locate a clinic near to me. There was one within 46 miles so I called and they do not take my insurance plan. I am on state disability and have been for a few years now so there is no way I can afford to pay cash for drs. Such s the case every time I am referred to a specialist. I have been refused SSI because I cannot get a supporting dr. And I have gone on suffering this great pain for 9 yrs now.
Replied on Wednesday, September 12, 2012 4:52 PM
My mother has under went Heart bypass surgery on Feb 14th 2012. All her wounds has healed up but she is having severe pain in her right chest below her breast which radiates till her back. I consulted the Surgeon, cardiologist, her rhumatologist, general physician, diabetic doctor every one said its after effect of surgery and they all tried different medicine its almost 2.5 months since the surgery but she is in great pain is there a way to help her to bring her out of this pain. Sheela Chennai
Replied on Wednesday, May 2, 2012 11:05 PM

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