i am 25. i had Ureteroscopy 15 days back. i will undergo stent removal within couple of days. please help me with the procedure, complications and suggestions.
It's urgent. thanks in advance.
Replied on Friday, July 29, 2011 9:41 AM
 mir786 (Guest)
i m suffering a sever pain due to a stone in my right ureter at uretro-vesicle junction uretor. The size of stone is 12mm. pls advise treatment.please help me with the procedure and suggestions , it is urgent thanks in advance.
Replied on Monday, August 1, 2011 7:19 AM
Firstly, if you have signs of infected stone (fever, etc.) you need antibiotics. Secondly you probably need invasive measure to remove 1cm stone.
Kiritharan Arunasalam. B.Sc., M.D., F.R.C.P.C
Replied on Thursday, August 4, 2011 11:49 PM
 bachi420 (Guest)
im suffering a sever pain due to a stone in my right ureter at uretro vesicel junction uretor.the stone size 9mm.pls advise me about treatment.back pain also increge day by day.
Replied on Tuesday, August 23, 2011 8:36 PM
 stone1 (Guest)
i m 21 and i have a 7.5x5 mm calculus at lower end of my right ureter.should i have allopathic medicines or hompathic or should i go for a laser surgery??
Replied on Wednesday, August 31, 2011 2:12 AM
My sister had stones, the ER sent her home told it would pass, 2 days later she's back in ER still in serve pain, they gave her more pain killers and sent her home. 2 days after that she's back in ER with sever pain still, each time they did CT scans. This time they tell her, her kidneys have shut down she's in failure, they admit her. 2 surgeys later she comes home. She has had serve pain in her feet and both of her legs are numb. She goes to the docter who says thats a good sign, if it dasn't go away in a few weeks he'll refer her to a Neuro Doc. She is still in terrible pain and is getting referred. My question is, when she had the surgeys could they have cut a nerve or is it damage from the acute kidney failure?
Replied on Friday, September 9, 2011 5:29 AM