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"Physiotherapy is a dynamic profession, which uses a range of treatment techniques to restore movement and function within the body."- Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Physiotherapy is a branch of healthcare science, that mainly concentrates on the physical aspects of an individual's...Read More

Posted on : Sunday, July 25, 2010 12:00 AM
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Subject:-Compressible Limb therapy system useful for varicose veins and Deep vein therapy patients.

*Indications Lymph edma
*Limb paralysis (Cerebral infarction)
*Pregnant woman's limb management
*Chronic disease by the venous cause
*Fat dissolution
*Rheumatoid arthritis
*Improvement of intestines, dissolution constipation
*Benumbed feet and hands settlement of stress
*Disease by interruption in blood cirulation.
*Effect of exercise.
*The old and the weak, fatigue, bore dome, insombnia.
*Person who want to be elastic skin and a healthire body.
*DVT (Deep vein thrombosis /PE) pneumatic embolism)
*Varicocele therapy and prevention
*Spinal cord injury.

With best regards

PH.NO.: 91-11-28019842,
FAX NO. 91-11-25010031
MOBILE NO.: 9811449668
E-MAIL: vatsmedicos@rediffmail.com

Replied on Saturday, April 7, 2007 12:00 AM

Dear Sir,

We are a company engaged in import and marketing of ANTI-DECUBITIS Air Mattress and Pump System for bedsore patients since last several years.

Alternating pressure pads or Air Mattress, as they are popularly known, helps to prevent long term bed ridden patients from getting bed sores and eczema, immobile patients in cases of COMA, SPINAL INJURIES, PARAPLEGICS, GERIATRICS and BURN INJURIES to prevent bed-sores.

These pads include a control unit (Air-Pump), which supplies air and changes the cycle of pressure in the mattress, twin air hose and a bubble mattress having alternate lines of 130 bubbles joined together. Pressure changes automatically every five minutes.

This system is suitable for Home use, Hospital, Nursing Home or Clinic and very useful in post operative wards of NEURO SURGERY, CARDIAC SURGERY, ICU’S and ICCU’S.

Thanking you,
Sincerely yours,


Replied on Tuesday, June 19, 2007 12:00 AM

This is Annaiah from India, Last year same time my brother got operated for blockage in Heart. After the postoperation due to some problem, he went into COMA and he was in COMA for 2-3 months. Later he came out of COMA. Problem he is facing still now is, he is not able to stand and walk. He has lost the control over his body. Please suggest us the treatment and exercise to continue.
Your advise is appreciated.
Replied on Sunday, July 25, 2010 12:00 AM

A few months ago, surgery was done on both of my legs to remove varicose veins.

I was not told at the time of any physiotherapy that might be in order to enable my recuperation....is there any exercises other than walking that I should be doing? I do still have a bit of a problem with the inner part of my left ankle, both numbness and soreness, and sometimes swelling. I would appreciate any feedback you have on this....
Replied on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 3:47 PM
there are lot of exercises but it should be done under the guidance of Physiotherapist.
Visit Physiotherapists near to your location
Replied on Wednesday, January 9, 2013 2:47 AM
Physiotherapy has been underrated for many years. But over recent years the benefits that many patients have had from physiotherapy following surgery, sports injury, chronic pain, loss of health, and headaches has increased the reputation of physiotherapists to number in the health professionals list for problems with the human body.
Replied on Monday, August 8, 2011 7:48 AM

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