 hortiegu (Guest)
oh my.. i've just had a fit. my brother grabbed me in the neck with his elbow, spun me around, making me feel dizzy. i fell to the floor and started to foam, and i was half-conscious for awhile.. i wonder if that counted as a fit..
Replied on Friday, October 22, 2010 8:42 AM
That definitely the symptom of fits.Get yourself checked by a neurologist immediately
Replied on Saturday, November 6, 2010 2:13 AM
My 1 yr old daugher also having this fits problem. It happened last Sunday [4 times a day, 9.30am, 1.30pm, 7.30pm and 10.15pm]. This was the first time it happened. We sent her for MRI and EEG. Below is the MRI findings : There is slight atrophy of the left temporal lobe noted as evidence by prominent extra-axial fluid. Normal cerebral gray-white differentiation. Normal ventricles and cerebral suici. There is no hydrocephalus or midline shift. Normal flow void within the internal carotid artery, posterior circulation and Circle of Willis. Both internal auditory meatues and posterior fassa appear normal. Visible sinuses and both mastoid air-cells are normal.
Can I know whether the fits can be cured? Currently my 1 yr old daugher is taking dilantin [phenytoin] 125MG/5ML suspension. Any side effect for this med? Thanks.
Replied on Sunday, November 28, 2010 11:11 PM
 mdhakolia (Guest)
i am a pateinet of epilipsey since last 20 years first i will take a medicine dilantin it was react with then i take a medicine tegretol cr 400 but i miss my medicine last one month then i am talking abnormal and i walk is look like a drunk man what should i do plz help me.
Replied on Sunday, February 13, 2011 10:37 PM
 ammulu (Guest)
hello my aunty got fits past 1 week b4. for half an hour she was unconsious. but now she is normal. already she was in treatment for her ortho pblm. did fits are curable and now she is running her age 43. did fits can be cured
Replied on Tuesday, March 15, 2011 3:39 AM
Hi i got fits in 2007 and take medicine [valparin] for three years. now i stop the medicine. my age is 23. i want to know the side effects of medicine and any problems ii cause during pregnancy and delivery
Replied on Saturday, April 9, 2011 1:57 AM