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Artificial/Prosthetic Limbs

Artificial limbs, prosthetic limbs or prostheses are mechanical replacements for missing limbs –arms or legs. When people have the misfortune of losing their arms or legs due to injury, disease or birth defects, artificial limbs help amputees get back to their normal functioning to...Read More

Posted on : Wednesday, May 26, 2010 12:00 AM
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My right hand limb has disabled and i need it to be replaced by artificial limb. Think you might be of some help to me.
Replied on Tuesday, July 30, 2013 12:59 PM
Hi Mayur,

It's really sad that you have to go through the pain of disabled limb. It's a good idea to go for artificial limb so that you don't feel helpless. Please let me know your city of residence so that I can suggest a few options for you. God Bless!
Replied on Tuesday, July 30, 2013 1:53 PM

Why can't these be purchased, affordably, in the USA, to help provide revenue to provide free limbs to those in need? My Mother has a clunky prosthetic below the knee. This would seam to be much better... And EXTREMELY More Affordable.
Replied on Wednesday, September 4, 2013 4:55 PM

My elder brother, age-35 yrs. need to ampute his left hand from mid fore arms [below albow]. Will you pls help me out regarding this. My querys are given below... 1. COST? 2. CAN YOU SEND ME VIA COURIER(MY LOCATION IS DHAKA, BANGLADESH)? 3. CAN I SEAT IT THROUGH ANY Prosthetic SURGEONE OR DO YOU HAVE ANY SEGEST SURGEONE IN BANGLADESH.
Replied on Sunday, October 13, 2013 12:55 AM

Hello sir I met with an accident in 1999 in this I have lost my three fingers and a thumb of my right leg feet the only remained finger is little finger....so sir I would like to know that can u arrange me a prosthetic part so that I can wear shoes properly...sir plz reply me....
Replied on Monday, November 18, 2013 3:07 PM
hello sir i have my father a law his diabetic he lost a left leg in 2010 and he wont to have prosthetic leg his in africa right now and he wont to come to do it here in the state how can he get help to have one here in atlanta ga thank you
Replied on Friday, November 22, 2013 8:51 PM

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