Respected Sir, Sir, I retired from PSU[PDIL, Sindri-Noida] and i am pension holder. My age is 65 yrs. Can I get the CGHS benifit? If so kindly help me by citing the process of getting CGHS card and the treatment in which type of hospitals? I am residing in Dhanbad in the state of Jharkhand.
Thanking you, Sona Ram Rajak
Replied on Tuesday, August 27, 2013 2:18 AM
 B.H.AnanthaMurthy (Guest)
I m a defence ministry pensioner[civilian].i m not under CGHS tillnow.how can i get covered under the cghs now i retired in 1993.
Replied on Sunday, September 1, 2013 1:27 PM
 Guest- (Guest)
CGHS / ESI are the benefits given the govt. I sincerely feel all these facilities are not really giving help to the patients, the long hours of waiting fro the doctors, to collect reports is very hectic. Its not like the work is completed within 1-2 hrs, its a day long process. The way the staff treat as if the patients are beggers. How can a patient alone can go from room to room, floor to floor in search of the doctor, its so indefinite that the doctors will be coming and no information is given. People working in private sector will not get leave if they have to wait for days together its difficult. The plight of the patients is very sad and pathetic. Anyway nothing will happen as long as these corrupted politicians are there but still I wanted to share my views. MY HUMBLE REQUEST IS PLEASE GIVE MERCY KILLING FOR THE PEOPLE WHO ARE SUFFERING at they will die peacefully.
Replied on Thursday, October 10, 2013 1:54 AM
 alagh (Guest)
is there any further progress on the intended CGEPHIS scheme for which RFP was published in 2010
Replied on Saturday, November 2, 2013 3:06 AM
 amarjeetsinghsodhi (Guest)
I have to purchase BP apparatus on doctor's prescription kindly guide me the procedure
Replied on Thursday, November 14, 2013 12:00 AM