I am a retired central government servant, in CGHS card beneficiaries are 1- self,2-wife and 3-Dependent daughter. My daughter is studying in France under exchange program. She gets scholarship. As per CGHS norm she is entitled to get medicines for six months in one go. Additional Director Dr R K Asthana has not allowed the due prescribed medicines and has also deleted her name as beneficiary. Scholarship is not an income still loss of her dependency status best known to CGHS authorities. They are tight lipped about this in spite of many requests.
Replied on Wednesday, April 17, 2013 5:11 AM
Complaints and grievances seems to be of no concern to CGHS authorities.My grievance against Dr R K Asthana for not allowing medicines for six months as eligible for CGHS beneficiary visiting foreign country and deleting name as CGHS beneficiary from my card No.6408 at Dispensary no.2, Lucknow. My daughter's name is deleted as she gets scholarship for studying at France. Scholarship is not an income explicitly defined in Income Tax Rule. The CGHS authorities; Honorable Secy and D.G.,Director,Addl Dy Director General, HQ,Joint Director Grievance and Additional Director are tight lipped in spite of my repeated requests. I suppose I have to lodge online registered complaint through DARPG for this trivial issue.My query requires a line to suffice that my daughter is eligible for dependency or not.
Replied on Wednesday, April 17, 2013 5:38 AM
Till now MOHFW/CGHS authorities has not clarified regarding loss of 'dependent'status of my wholly dependent daughter in receipt of scholarship for studying in France. Further set back is submission of feedback with option for 'Yes' in reply expected, it fails submission with Message: Submission Failed Following Supply of Invalid Data. For 'No' option in reply expected it is submitted with acknowledgement as "Thank you for providing Feedback...." I trust NIC will correct this snag.
Replied on Wednesday, April 17, 2013 10:04 AM
CGHS has now decided my complaint regarding deletion of my dependent daughter's as she is recipient of scholarship of Rs.27,000/- per month. This was simply wrong doing of Dr R K Asthana, Ex Additional Director, CGHS, Lucknow. Now CGHS admits that scholarship irrespective of amount is not an income, its meant to cover study expenses only. My daughter's name is now re-included in my CGHS Card No. 6408.
Replied on Monday, July 1, 2013 5:39 AM
 sharad1940 (Guest)
I am retd GOI officer.Card No. P1882 issued from Lucknow.I was in Mumbai with my son when I fell down on 04nov 12 and brocken FEMUR bone in two parts. Got treatment from Breach Candy Hospital which is nearest to me. Submitted the claim on cghs Lucknow on 4 dec 2012 via regd AD post.Thereafter sent many reminders by email/by post but claim has not been till date.I am not provided with details of my Claim number and date inspite of my repeated requests.Please send address/email of appealate authority.
Replied on Monday, July 1, 2013 8:01 AM